Monday, January 3, 2011


-Jersey Shore season 3! are you ready?! I know scott isn't.

-There’s no better feeling than losing something, then you find out you really need/want it, look everywhere for it, ask at least 1 person if they can help, drop multiple f-bombs and FML’s, THEN eventually find it. It feels sooooooo good. I seriously turn into a different person when I can’t find something that I’m really looking for.

-The lady at Subway told me spinach cost an extra $0.50 for a footlong. I told her lol ok. But the day after, there was no mysterious charge, shady lady.

-I have a dream, that one day Phil Jackson will write a book and detail how much he hated coaching Kobe. Then he will compare coaching MJ to coaching Kobe and how he loved coaching in Chicago. And finally, he will explain how much he enjoyed coaching Shaq. I love his quote "then Kobe has to screw up the game..." lol

-My new favorite thing to do is walk around San Francisco with a big jacket while listening to my ipod. It's always so interesting to observe everything going on. Yesterday, i walked through a park and watched guys play speed chess (like in Searching for Bobby Fischer). Today, i wondered through city hall and then to the westfield while taking the long way back to bart.

-Jim Harbaugh, Tim Shmarbaugh.

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