Thursday, October 13, 2011


do rappers sneeze? i just can't picture eminem with his d-12 homies letting out a big sneeze. i just don't see it. you can't look cool while sneezing, it's impossible. when i sneeze, i let it all out. i'll never forget this: one time while at home, russ loudly sneezes, but covers his mouth. i think i told him "wow, that was loud" but didn't think anything of it, but then he waves to me with his sneeze hand, and there's a handful of mucus. swaggy

but seriously, you can't sneeze with swag. it just doesn't happen. i don't think drake sneezes. kanye, no. 50 cent definitely doesn't sneeze.

if 50 cent were ever to sneeze in front of his entourage. what does he do? does he say "ay, thas my bad guys". um, do rappers ever blow their noses? i don't think so. there's no way that 50cent asks one of security guards for a tissue. that'd be a youtube hit btw, "50cent blowing his nose" .that'd be awesome, seeing FITY just blowing like crazy then saying swaggerly "got dem allergies, man"

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