Monday, May 3, 2010


I love picking online poker screen names. Full Tilt clearly states that you should have one account for each person. Psh, I have played on so many damn accounts: iGeneral (my OG name), jennabax (my favorite, Greg made this account for me, but FTP suspended this account because of “multi-accounting”), clarabeezy (Scott made this for me), djkrippy (greg’s original), matika (nicky’s lol), and finally my main account paige16 (ryan’s rakeback account and now my primary). I should definitely be banned for life by now.

But anyway, I used to think ‘girl’ names were the way to go (paige16, clarabeezy, and jennabax) because I felt that when players see this account they will think I suck. This definitely has some advantages because they may not pay full attention, or try and ‘bully the girl at the table’. Some opponents used to ask me how old I was and what I looked like. I would always play along for the most part until one time, a guy gave me his AIM SN to ‘chat about poker and stuff.’

However, there is a new theory.
I think the way to go is to pick a name like “twoplustwoREG” or “sharkscopeMePLZ”. Here’s why. In a Hu sng, I usually sit first and wait for an opponent. Therefore, my potential opponents get to see my name and decide whether or not they want to play me. Bad/losing players do not give 2-shits about what name is already registered, so they join/play me. However, good/winning players will see the name “twoplustwoREG” and infer that this player must be at least a semi “regular” because twoplustwo is the biggest online poker forum. Therefore, I am signaling to the good player that I am not a fishcake. Furthermore, the name “sharkscopemePLZ” refers to the biggest online tournament database. Any decent/good SNG player knows what sharkscope is and they will not play me.

I may be over-thinking this too much, but I think it has some cred. If I open up random SNG games that are currently running, I have found that names like “durrrrFTW” and “LOLdonks” tend to be winners. And names like “nascar55” and “steelers68” tend to be losers.
I need to make a new Bodog account, and am in the process of picking a new name. The reason for this is complicated and I’ll explain later maybe.

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