Tuesday, December 31, 2013

i’m in a very reflective mood, probably because the year is almost over, or maybe its because i don’t have a TV

2013, you sick son of a bitch.

i learned that its hard to go 72 hours without checking worldstarhiphop. hwoever, the flipside to that, if you’re busy for an entire weekend. say you went somewhere for the weekend, and you were unable to check WSHH. then its fucking fun just to open your laptop and catch up on 3 days of WSHH.

i learned what “full grenade status” is. and if you’re reading this, and know what FGS means, then you’re probably smiling right now.
i realized that what is obvious to me, may not be obvious to others. and what others think is obvious, may not be obvious to me.
when i hear someone use the phrase "above and beyond", i just smile
i learned that some people are going to be very annoying to me, and that’s ok.
i got into almost the best shape of my life. sometime in march i joined a running club that met twice a week, and basically trained you for the sf marathon. i didn’t do the marathon, but kind of wish i did. toward the end of the program, i was able to run 13 miles. i’m annoying i know. but now, i’d be lucky to run half that. i must say though, i would probably never pay for a personal trainer because i’m cheap. BUT, i think there’s some serious value in them. the guy who organized the running club, not only did he give instruction, but he pushed you just enough to go a little bit farther, and a little bit faster. basically, he taught me that i could do things that i originally thought that i couldn’t do. i’m seriously annoying. like, at the beginning of 2012, if you asked me if i could run a full marathon, i’d say no and explain to you in detail why i couldn’ do it. but if you ask me right now if i could train and run a full marathon, my answer would be probablyyyyy

learned that just because you're quiet, doesn't mean your nice. i feel like when someone is very quiet, everyone just assumes that it must mean they’re nice. but not quite. someone pointed out to me, it’s so true, i can be a real dickhead sometimes. but shhh, don’t tell anyone
i realized that i enjoy writing, and i hope i continue. i’m not going to lie, every 2 months i go back and read what i wrote in 2011-2012, its mildly interesting to go back and read

the beginning of the year started with some major work drama..maybe drama is the wrong word. but a very interesting work related situation..that you wouldn’t even believe if i told you. it feels like 5 years ago now.

scott and i split our first box of national treasures. that was weirdly fun.

best rhythm and blues show of the year?
its tough, very tough. but i’m doing with swedish house mafia-LA with alesso, zedd, and MOnsta. just nasty with a capital N. a close 2nd imo would be Beyond.

favorite movie?
captain phillips or wolf of Wall street

its all about the good vibes. that’s it. people like to be around people who bring the good vibes. no one likes bad vibes. good vibes only...or stay at home and watch netflix you fuck

my most played out song?
Alesso’s remix of one republic-if i lose myself. i literally listened to this song 30 times a day for like 6 days straight back in march. it was quite incredible

favorite season of a show i watched?
besides breaking bad, it would have to be the last season of Eastbound and Down. hilarious

i learned that an underrated part of a girlfriend. is that she needs to have normal non-crazy girlfriends. a girl goes to her girlfrirends for advice, so if she has legit crazy  friends, that’ doesn’t bode well. (and just for the record, this isn’t me taking a cheap shot at someone, it’s actually the opposite)

best purchase?

chemistry is interesting to me. its interesting how with some people, you kind of just mesh really well. but with others its just forced and painful

i’ve known this for a while, but its interesting to me how some people are so afraid of silence. i really want to know what that feels like...to be afraid of silence.

i’ve realized how quickly a year can fly by. and i also realized how easy it is to lose touch with someone. you see someone or talk to someone and you both agree to talk again soon. but 2 weeks turn into 2 months. and before you know it, you’ve seen the person 2 times in the entire year. effort effort effort

i learned that “going with the flow” isn’t such a good thing. GWTF basically means passive. i mean, sometimes its good to GWTF, you’ll never get in confrontations that way.  but by gwtf’ing, sometimes you end up in situations where you’re not 100% down with. i feel like its better to understand 100% what it is that you want, and go for it. don’t wait around and see what comes. i’m good at stating the obvious i know (or as Jt calls it “cool facts, grant” CFG).. i’m turning the passive level down 2 notches. the next time i’m in a group and someone asks “what do you guys want to eat?”
i’m not going to say “anything is fine” or “i’m down for whatever”. no fuck that
what do you guys want to eat?
“i want panda express, i don’t want anything else, i want panda express”

i joined the “i totalled my car club” and hate being a member. i’ve gone 7 months without a car and to be honest, it hasn’t been thaaat bad. i almost enjoy it, i like public transportation (no sarcasm). i really like it, it’s relatively cheap, super convenient, and easy

i’ve been told that i say “i wish” a lot. i wish online poker would come back. i wish i could get more sleep. i wish i could find my 2 lost watches. i wish that i didn’t have ADD. i wish that the basketball team i coach would win a fucking game (just kidding). i need to cut down on the “i wish”

if i was more brave, i would post youtube videos of me singing cover songs. in my head, it sounds funny

kina grannis got married this year, brutal..

i played in a co-ed flag football tournament a few weeks ago.. in the first game, i was wide receiver, i get open, streak down the right side of the field, i have like 5 steps on the defender. quarterback sees me and throws the ball, hits me in the fucking hands, i drop it, i fall down. we end up losing by one touchdown. ouchhhh. i played defense the rest of the tournament...good thing there wasn’t a cute girl on the team that i might have been trying to talkkk to. oh wait..

I’ve realized that my favorite coffee is the light roast from the coffee bean. and i’ve confirmed with myself that i don’tlike peet’s coffee.
i like vine compilations

as far as work goes, 2013 hasn’t been the best year. it hasn’t been all bad.. it took some time for me to adjust to such a strong market. the stock market was just dumbass strong, which is boring but whatever. it’s ok, and i’m ready for 2014. i’ve been trading a little bit of Twitter TWTR recently, and it’s been fun. lots of attention/uncertainty with twtr, which is great for options traders.

i can’t believe i didn’t figure this out sooner. but the homeless lady in home alone 2, is the foster parent in Angels in the outfield. i know i know, its crazy

i went to vancouver and thought it was amazing. youknow whats funny, is that when i was there, you notice all the touristy things. those big tour buses that drive people around the city with someone telling them about the history and whatnot. then you have the bike rental places. it’s all beautiful and nice. i love vancouver by the way...and when i came back from that trip, to sf. i noticed all the touristy things here. the buses, bike rentals, people taking pictures. its funny, or i guess not funny, but its interesting how i overlook some of the small things.

you know, just some 2014 futures..
odds lose my watch
yes +110
no -130

odds i buy a car
yes -130
no +110

odds i leave the country at least once
yes +180
no -160

odds i live in sf by december 31st, 2014
yes -130
no +110

odds i get my ears pierced
yes +300
no -250

odds i start and finish THE WIRE
yes +180
no -160

odds i attempt to run a marathon
yes -120


welp, happy new year i guess.

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