Saturday, October 9, 2010


-Jamie, I didn’t see Paranormal Activity 2, just the preview. But if (WHEN!) you see where I’m currently living, you’ll understand why the preview is enough to put scary thoughts in your mind.

I have proof that I’m not meant for the “working world.” I was fortunate enough to talk to a financial planner and had him review my resume. So he called me and we talked for a few minutes and then this happened:

Peter: Can you come meet me at my office so we can talk.
Me: Yes
Peter: Ok, how about Thursday?
Me: (I cringe) Oh, I’m actually going to the Giants game.
Peter: Oh ok, no problem, how about Friday?
Me: (I cringe even more ) Oh, I’m actually going to the giants game on Friday too.
Peter: wtf

Just kidding about the last comment, but yea, he was nice about it, and we agreed to meet on Friday at 10am.

and Jill, I did NOT think of you when I saw this video. Be careful tho

check out her sandals when she falls hahah, it's not funny though


  1. Wow. Who ever let her do that was a jerk. That was a steep hill. You would definitely have to carve it to make it, or get speed wobbles and fall on your face. That works too lol.

  2. HAHAHA. i haven't fallen yet, fyi :P i've ridden it on campus just once..not gonna do it again until i'm a pro like you haha
