Monday, February 10, 2014

the timing

so i bought my first box of girl scout cookies of 2014, and yes, they FINALLY changed the pictures on all of the boxes. what the fuck took so long? i wrote 2 blog posts about why they need to change the pictures. i'm actually a little disappointed though. when i get to know someone, and i'm feeling very weird, i love asking why they think the Girl Scout cookie box pictures never  change. oh well, let's just hope that they don't keep the same pictures for 25 years. and my 17th favorite question to ask people. What is your favorite girl scout cookie?    the correct answer: do-si-dos

i watched the Tonya harding/nancy kerrigan 30for30 documentary, The Price of Gold.
it's on netflix already! such a good documentary. so this event took place in 1994, i was 5 years old at the time. and for some odd reason, i remember my babysitter talking about tonya harding and how she was guilty blah blah blah. such a wacko/crazy situation. but dude, if i was over the age of 15 back in 1994, i would be allllll over that shit. this sort of reminds of the manti te'o story based on WTF-ness. and i was all over the te'o story.

there's no such thing as a unhappy person at a farmer's market. it's not possible, everyone at a farmer's market is very happy and cheerful. right? i mean, people don't go to a farmer's market JUST to buy fruits and vegetables. they go for the atmosphere, to talk to the vendors, to support the local businesses/farmers, to people-watch.  if you're unhappy with life and just need to go grocery shopping, then you go to safeway. if you want to be around happy people only, check out your local farmer's market

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