Wednesday, May 15, 2013


i think my mom should be the president of the "derek not derrick club". whenever someone named Derek is mentioned, she asks for the spelling. if it's spelled DEREK, she says it's spelled correctly. if it's spelled derrick, she says it's spelled incorrectly. and i completely agree, it's derek, not derrick. it looks wrong.

just in case you were curious. here's my 2cents

zach not zack
jamie (i've got da gudz man) not jamee
steven not stephen
mark not marc
eric not erick
lindsey not lindsay
shawn not sean or shaun
and i'm not sure about krystle or crystal

i don't understand what bitcoin is. it's supposedly an online currency. that actually trades like a real currency. the japanese restaurant near me just started accepting bitcoin as payment. i've tried to research what bitcoin is online, and still can't seem to understand it completely. i want to pay someone $10 just to sit me down, and explain it stupid style

i heard if you start to pee, and then start to drink cold coffee, that you'll pee for as long as you're drinking the cold coffee. and umm, lets just say, um...try it

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