Friday, May 25, 2012

fart sounds

i promise this isn't about me, just thought it was funny.
my friend "sam" goes on a date with a girl. he wants to show his friend a picture. creeps on her instagram, he doesn't "follow" her, but she's not private, so fair game. sam shows his friend a picture of the date in a slutty dress. the friend doesn't have instagram, but is an iphone user. he double taps to try and zoom, he "likes" the picture. panic. insta un-like.

slutty dress. double tap to zoom. accidental "like". panic
every other week, i say this "dude, look at this picture (on instagram), but be careful, do not double tap" i'm kidding

i've noticed, that in text and g-chat, i use "nah". but i never actually say "nah". this is interesting.

my parent's anniversary is July 10th, i got this.

I want to see a documentary on ticket scalpers. i always find it very interesting. i still don't quite understand how they make money. but i assume most do, so how much do they best make? i want to see and hear the negotiations. it's interesting because time means everything. as game time approaches, the value of the tickets decreases every second. how does that affect the negotiations? do the scalpers work together?

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