Monday, August 22, 2011

like a fart in the wind

it's that time of year again, little league world series. until august 28th, i'm not american, i'm japanese. the road to repeat has been a little rocky. of course we cruise over the caribbean 12-1, they always suck. but really? lose to mexico 2-3? before the game, i was looking to take japan vs. the field. so shameful. only 4 hits and 2 errors? that's not how we do it, hope the coach chewed them out after the game. big game tomorrow vs canada, even tho canada usually sucks the big one, just one upset and it's back to the home land. doi tashi masu na! that means nothing

jersey shore. although it's still hirarious, it's no longer must-watch tv. i know this because i usually DVR it on Thursday, and if i don't watch it thursday night, it's ok. if i dont watch it friday, it's ok. still funny as balls. pauly d and vinny's ...she's too young for you bro...was pretty awesome. i want to see the ronnie-situation fight. if i know my jersey shore (and i do), the next episode will lead up to the fight, but the actual fight will be the following week.

poor groupon. i just signed up for amazonlocal which is another daily deal.

oh google, you stud. buying motorola mobile for 10+ billion. oh google, starting bye bye orbitz priceline and travelocity.

chicago deep dish pizza is the real deal. little fun fact, one of my top 5 favorite foods is lasagana. chicago deep dish pizza is a combination of pizza and lasagana.

am i missing something here? it's a fact: on average, a person who is halfwhite-halfjapanese is better looking than a full japanese person. i don't make the rules, it's just a fact. but anyway, it's true because mixed people are the rare ones. you know, what is eva mendez? she's hot. what exactly is jessica alba? hot.
wait, she's a quarter spanish/japanese/ chinese/and korean? get the fuck out of here, hot.
whenever you can't tell what nationality someone is, they are probably very good looking. when i ask people to guess what nationality i am, and they immediately say "you look japanese", i say a little "fuck me" in my head. i love my parents, but always wonder what it must feel like to be 50% white? hmmyumm but wait, in 5,000 years, everyone will be mixed. in 5000 years, full bloods are going to be the good looking (rare) ones. if you put me in the world in 7011, and i walk down the streets of SF, hapas will turn and be like, "shiiiiiza, that fucker is full japanese, so lucky"
just ahead of my time i suppose, weirdiknow

like a fart in the a the wind.

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