Wednesday, September 29, 2010


bodog is having a poker tournament series (Bodog Poker Open V). I played in today’s $25+ 2.5 buy-in which had a $5k guarantee (which it didn’t quite meet) and was lucky enough to get 3rd for $645. Such a swingy tournament, in the first 15 minutes of the tournament, I was all-in for my life w/ AJ versus Aces. I rivered a flush to stay alive, donkkkk. It’s so disgusting how much luck there is in tournaments. But anyway, I was chipleader w/ 8 left in the tourney, but lost a few pots and was the short stack 3-handed.

I eventually lost w/ AJ when the big blind had AK.

The other 2 players had very limited sng experience (at least on bodog). I am pretty confident that I would have had a decent edge on both of them if we got to heads-up play. But, it wasn’t meant to be and I was very very very lucky to get 3rd. 2nd paid $1,050 and 1st paid $2k. Binking the tourney would have been pretty sweet, but blah.

thinking about making an exercise bet. I'm thinking I have to work out 4 days a week (basketball counts as a day) for the next month. for every day i fall short, i have to do something/donate $/or pay someone. Or I could so something like, if i fail to do X, I have to draft Spencer Hawes in the 3rd round of every fantasy basketball league that I am in this year.

1 comment:

  1. donate to a missionary. and draft hawes. or ricky rubio. hahahaha.
