I felt like a super genius for the first time in a long
time. I was out at lunch with 2 of my co-workers at a Mexican restaurant. We
ordered our food and starting eating blah blah. Then, a young couple sits down
beside us and orders food and shows the waitress a piece of paper. I assume it
was a daily deal, so I whipped out my phone, opened up the groupon app, found an
$8 for $15 deal for the place we were currently at. I instantly bought it and
showed our waitress, bam. It felt really really good, like really good. I just
created $7 of value. I just stole $7 from someone, if that’s not gangsterrr…
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
kid at 1:10 mark- that sort of crying is obnoxious, come on.
homie at 1:50 - why does homie have muscles? if he came charging at me swinging, i feel like i'd have to swing back in self-defense
girls at 3:07 - girls are crazy
girls at 3:55 - um, girls are crazy. she looks 13
4:17- she killed me, like deaddd
i know i blogged about this last year, but whatever. this is the new halloween kimmel prank.
like i said last time, i cannot wait to do this. it's something like +350 that my kid has a "good reaction" and -400 that my kid has "bad reaction"
when i first saw the video, i sent it to everyone i was talking to on gchat. and then i was asked "are you going to do this to your kid every year?"
i typed "lol yes" but then it hit me. delete delete delete...
ok, so the first time i do this, of course the kid will fall for it and blah blah blah. but! if i do it the next year, and the kid falls for it again. wouldn't that be a concern? i mean, i'd be legit sad if i prank my kid the exact same way 2 years in a row. but now that i think of it, i HAAAAVE to do it twice now just to see what happens. HOPEFULLY my kid is gangster and tells me i'm lame for doing it the 2nd time
Monday, November 5, 2012
the boom
for the past several months, i wanted to start coaching youth basketball. i applied at the Tenderloin boys and girls club in san francisco. about a month ago, i got a call saying a position was open if i wanted it. i was really excited, it's boys basketball, ages 6-8. i was really excited until i thought about how and what i would do in practice. i thought about when i was younger and played in my first organized basketball team. one of the first things i remember learning, left handed lay-ups!
when i was like 7 or 8 years old, i learned how to do one because our coach made us. then i just sorta stopped, since i was about 12 til now, i only do right-handed lay-ups, even in a pregame lay up drill. i do this awkward right handed lay up (coming from the left side). i was legitimately concerned, i knew i had to teach them a left-handed lay up, but i also knew that i cannot do a left handed lay-up at 75% game speed
just thinking about it. if i showed up to the first practice unprepared, and some punkass kid says "i bet you can't even do a left-handed lay up, go ahead, show us a left handed lay up at 80% game speed." i would have been effed. i would have lost the team right there.
well, i did go to the gym before the first practice, just to get some reps (left hand lay-ups) in. cool story
when i was like 7 or 8 years old, i learned how to do one because our coach made us. then i just sorta stopped, since i was about 12 til now, i only do right-handed lay-ups, even in a pregame lay up drill. i do this awkward right handed lay up (coming from the left side). i was legitimately concerned, i knew i had to teach them a left-handed lay up, but i also knew that i cannot do a left handed lay-up at 75% game speed
just thinking about it. if i showed up to the first practice unprepared, and some punkass kid says "i bet you can't even do a left-handed lay up, go ahead, show us a left handed lay up at 80% game speed." i would have been effed. i would have lost the team right there.
well, i did go to the gym before the first practice, just to get some reps (left hand lay-ups) in. cool story
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
i saw Taken2, and it was pretty bad. the theater was laughing at how corny it was
i'm splitting a fantasy football pickem league with kyle. basically, you pick the winner of each NFL game against the spread and assign confidence points to each game. rank the games 1-15. with 1 being the least confident and 15 being the most confident. it was his turn to pick this week, and i told him that 49ers -7 was an absolute lock.
he asked if i was sure? i said yes, then i said nah, do whatever you want, i don't want to hurt the team. then i said something like can you tell that i don't like to take the last shot in sports? he asked if i ever had taken the last shot before.
i slightly remember 2 times.
the first. little league baseball team. all i remember was my team was down, and i was up to bat with 2 outs. i'm 95% sure we were playing scott's blue jays team. i think a runner was on base. and short story short, i made the last out. i was upset blah blah blah, everything was ok, i was fine. but when we shook the other team's hands, i started to tear up. i couldn't believe it. i'm 90% sure this actually happened, and wasn't just a bad dream
the second time was in basketball with the stockton guys. i remember we were down by 1 or 2 with like 9 seconds left. we didn't call a time out for whatever reason so there was no play drawn up. i SPECIFICALLY remember inbounding the ball because i didn't want to take the last shot. after all, i'm grant "i shoot 29% from the field when no one is around me" mizuno. i'm 80% sure i inbounded the ball to takahashi, and he instantlyyyyy passes it right back to me. OHFUCK. short story short, i kind of drive/throw a shot up and it gets blocked. game over
i'm splitting a fantasy football pickem league with kyle. basically, you pick the winner of each NFL game against the spread and assign confidence points to each game. rank the games 1-15. with 1 being the least confident and 15 being the most confident. it was his turn to pick this week, and i told him that 49ers -7 was an absolute lock.
he asked if i was sure? i said yes, then i said nah, do whatever you want, i don't want to hurt the team. then i said something like can you tell that i don't like to take the last shot in sports? he asked if i ever had taken the last shot before.
i slightly remember 2 times.
the first. little league baseball team. all i remember was my team was down, and i was up to bat with 2 outs. i'm 95% sure we were playing scott's blue jays team. i think a runner was on base. and short story short, i made the last out. i was upset blah blah blah, everything was ok, i was fine. but when we shook the other team's hands, i started to tear up. i couldn't believe it. i'm 90% sure this actually happened, and wasn't just a bad dream
the second time was in basketball with the stockton guys. i remember we were down by 1 or 2 with like 9 seconds left. we didn't call a time out for whatever reason so there was no play drawn up. i SPECIFICALLY remember inbounding the ball because i didn't want to take the last shot. after all, i'm grant "i shoot 29% from the field when no one is around me" mizuno. i'm 80% sure i inbounded the ball to takahashi, and he instantlyyyyy passes it right back to me. OHFUCK. short story short, i kind of drive/throw a shot up and it gets blocked. game over
Thursday, September 13, 2012
that's right
there's an NFL game every thursday night, on the NFL network channel. i don't get the NFL network channel. that is a problem.
scottmizuno.com is a genius and told me to tell comcast that i'm thinking of switching my cable service to DirecTV unless i get the NFL network channel for free. then i should be able to get it. scott told me that instead of calling, i can use livechat so i sound more convincing.
it worked. i threatened to switch to DirecTV unless i get the NFL network for free, he said something like no problem. i was feeling frisky, and said "i'm going to need the NBA channel for free too". i'm 100% sure i would never say this over the phone. i thought it was pretty gangster..this time he said "alright". i could have asked for more, but i didn't. maybe next time. thinking about it now, after he said "alright", i should've said "thaaaaaaaat's right beeeeeytch"
scottmizuno.com is a genius and told me to tell comcast that i'm thinking of switching my cable service to DirecTV unless i get the NFL network channel for free. then i should be able to get it. scott told me that instead of calling, i can use livechat so i sound more convincing.
it worked. i threatened to switch to DirecTV unless i get the NFL network for free, he said something like no problem. i was feeling frisky, and said "i'm going to need the NBA channel for free too". i'm 100% sure i would never say this over the phone. i thought it was pretty gangster..this time he said "alright". i could have asked for more, but i didn't. maybe next time. thinking about it now, after he said "alright", i should've said "thaaaaaaaat's right beeeeeytch"
Thursday, September 6, 2012
it's 2012
i feel like you can say "it's 2012" before or after any statement, and it just sorta makes sense. in a debate, you can use it when you don't know exactly what to say.
do you think the warriors are going to make the playoffs?
-it's 2012, of coooourse the Warriors are going to make the playoffs!
what do you want to eat for dinner?
-dude, let's get some sushi, it's 2012!!
what's new with so-and-so?
-i'm not really sure, but it's 2012, so who knows.
dumbass melky cabrera
-i know, how are you going to get caught using performance enhancing drugs, it's 2012!!
you have a girlfriend yet?
-No, it's 2012.
do you think the warriors are going to make the playoffs?
-it's 2012, of coooourse the Warriors are going to make the playoffs!
what do you want to eat for dinner?
-dude, let's get some sushi, it's 2012!!
what's new with so-and-so?
-i'm not really sure, but it's 2012, so who knows.
dumbass melky cabrera
-i know, how are you going to get caught using performance enhancing drugs, it's 2012!!
you have a girlfriend yet?
-No, it's 2012.
Monday, September 3, 2012
proof that lyrics are overrated. have a bet with derek. on janruary 1st, 2013, i have over 200 million views. derek has the under. loser treats the winner to a niceish dinner. i think i'm the easy favorite. the song is going to hit it's PEAK in 2 days. and it's already at 96million, i have 3 months? just checked the updated odds, the over of 200million views is -140. so there. VALUE
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
i think i can recognize 97% of the NBA if they walked by me on the street. probably 12% of the NFL, and roughly 16% of baseball players. just a side note, if i walk around the World Series Main Event, i think i would recognize about 18% of the players (this is legitimately sad, the amount of useless knowledge in my head is unbelievable, i would pay to have the useless knowledge removed and replaced with simple stuff, like knowing all the US presidents, wait, the 4th president was who again? umm..who won the world series of poker in 2007? jerry yang, next question)
i've seen basketball players in public before. i get stupidly star struck. i remember i saw andris biedrins walking through the lobby of the Wynn in Vegas. i remember being in a deep state of star struckedness, i half yelled/mumbled ANDRIS, i can't quite remember but i think he at least looked my way. i followed him til he got into an elevator.
=one time, i was in downtown santa barbara, and kyle korver walks past me. he was with some girl. i stopped walking and turned, and saw that he was pretty tall, and i was only 70% sure it was him, but then i thought why would an NBA player be in SB during the season. so i brushed it off, then i read online that he was rehabbing in santa barbara. cool story grant, iknowiknow
=and once at marine world, we saw mitch ritchmond. all i remember is steve asking him "are you mitch ritchmond?"
but anyway, i wonder how many professional football and baseball players i've seen in my life that i didn't recognize. there's gotta be a handful. i wish there was a way to look up stats on this. like if there was a site starreference.com, i can look up how many athletes that i passed by in 2006, 2007, and 2008. like, in 2005, i didn't recognize 3 football players and baseball player. BUT IN 06, for whatever reason, i didn't recognize 13! football players, 5 baseball players, and 2 basketball players! just crazyy. and if i upgrade to the premium site, i can see specific examples. like, in 2009, i walked by two thirds of the royals starting lineup! wait...huh?
Friday, August 24, 2012
the flizzy
some netflix finds.
2 months 2 million= a reality show about 4 online poker players that spend a summer in vegas and have a goal to make 2 mirrion dollars in 2 months. this show is soooooo good if you have at least a 10% interest in gambling/poker
the street stops here= documentary about a high school basketball team from new jersey. bobby hurley sr. is the coach (if you have HBOgo, one of the best documentaries i've seen in the past 8 months is "prayer for a perfect season" which follows another high school basketball team from new jersey, it was michael kidd-gilcrhist's senior year)
ROUNDERS- i watch this movie every 9 months
monkey trouble- who remembers the movie with the girl who takes care of the monkey who steals everything????
saved by the bell - the season where they are working at the beach. best season and it's not close
backstage- documentary about jay-z's 1999 hark knock life tour. pretty interesting.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
here it is
just an idea i had. based on no stats, no history, and no examples.
you're dating a girl. 2-6 months. it's going decently well, you like each other blah blah barf barf. you're pretty sure you want to take the next step. exclusive boyfriend girlfriend blah blah barf barf. you need to make sure she passes the test. this is for guys only. the girl can know exactly NOTHING about the coffee shop test. okay. random weekend. you both have no plans for the day. you take the girl into a random nice coffee shop. in order for the girl to pass the test, you must be able to stay inside the coffee shop and enjoy each other's company for 3 hours.
you guys don't have to talk the whole time (but you can), you just have to be OKAY with doing nothing, must be OKAY with the silence. she has to be able to entertain herself for a little. must be able to enjoy the 3 hours. maybe some combination of eating/drinking coffee and a muffin, debate about which Disney Channel Original Movie was better (alley cats strike or Brink ((alley cats strike is better imo, and it's very very close)), look for a newspaper, check each other's instagram, call her mom, check her emails, talk about where you guys want to eat dinner that night, help choose a birthday gift for someone, PEOPLE-WATCH and pick out couples that walk by and guess the relationship (friends? dating? co-workers? he likes her but she's not feeling it.), order another drink to share, last 15 minutes talk about how fun it was and how you guys should do it more often. 3 hours done.
if she gets bored and says something similar to "i'm bored, can we go yet?" ==== it's not going to work
if spending 3 hours is a struggle === it's not going to work
this is not a do-or-die, if she doesn't pass the test, she can re-take the test in 2 weeks. if she fails 3 times === it's not going to work
there are flaws i know, gotta tweak. more tests to come. blog every other day
Monday, August 20, 2012
the perfect storm
bill simmons is my favorite sports writer. it's sort of gross how i agree 100% with whatever he writes. i'll read his columns and laugh out loud to myself. i'll listen to his podcasts and laugh out loud. he hates the lakers, he understands that lebron is better than kobe, he understands that it's better to be a top 4 team or a bottom 4 team (and nothing in the middle), he understands that westbrook is nasty. he understands how much fun is it to attend the national sports cards and collectibles show. and he started a site called grantland.com
i dont know why i had to say all of that.
but any way. no one has been asking, so i thought i should answer on my blog. i follow a bunch of people on twitter, BUT there are only 3 people who i get mobile notifications for (their texts get sent directly to my phone like a text message)
@sportsguy33 - bill simmons, the man.
@haralabob - haralabos voulgaris. he is a poker player, but is recognized by most as a legit nba sports bettor. he once did a cribs-type video for cardplayer (below), showing off his sick house. his gf isn't bad looking either. his tweets consist of a bunch of nba analysis, gambling trends, the occasional pick, and some poker
@wojyahoonba - adrian wojnarowski, covers the nba for yahoo, he is usually the first to report big news. fun during nba draft and nba trade deadline.
maybe i posted this already
grantland just had a podcast with haralabob as a guest, sooo good. grantland.com
maybe i posted this already
grantland just had a podcast with haralabob as a guest, sooo good. grantland.com
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
so the deal went through, PokerStars has purchased Full Tilt Poker and will open the site back up for countries outside the US. and yea, looks like all US-players will get their money back. (LOL i'm pretty sure that no one cares, but i don't care that no one cares) the only bad part about all this, it looks like if you want to get your money back, you have to apply to the Department of Justice. Ugh, sounds like it's going to be complicated. link: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2012/07/pokerstars-acquires-full-tilt-poker-assets-players-refunded-13146.htm
just read this: As part of the settlement, PokerStars will be fronting the money to pay back U.S. players with balances stuck on Tilt. However, those players will have to file a “remittance form” with the DoJ to receive those forms. The big question: is it worth opening yourself up to a potential audit to receive your money?
I like when people drop hints and i actually pick them up. I always act like i somehow didn't get the hint and ask dumb questions. it's hard to explain. but this makes me wonder, how many times have there been when someone tried to drop a hint, and i legitimately didn't pick up on it. it's times like this when i wish i can watch replays of my life.
completely hypothetical situation, but i think it would be funny (to watch a replay) if i was on a date (unrealistic i know) and it's cold outside. and the date says "it's soooo cold outside, wish i brought my jacket" and i just say "yea, fuckkk, it's freezing out here!" while i zip up my jacket.
just read this: As part of the settlement, PokerStars will be fronting the money to pay back U.S. players with balances stuck on Tilt. However, those players will have to file a “remittance form” with the DoJ to receive those forms. The big question: is it worth opening yourself up to a potential audit to receive your money?
I like when people drop hints and i actually pick them up. I always act like i somehow didn't get the hint and ask dumb questions. it's hard to explain. but this makes me wonder, how many times have there been when someone tried to drop a hint, and i legitimately didn't pick up on it. it's times like this when i wish i can watch replays of my life.
completely hypothetical situation, but i think it would be funny (to watch a replay) if i was on a date (unrealistic i know) and it's cold outside. and the date says "it's soooo cold outside, wish i brought my jacket" and i just say "yea, fuckkk, it's freezing out here!" while i zip up my jacket.
Monday, July 30, 2012
i can wait
whenever i hear someone say "i can't wait", i always want to ask a follow up question just to see how muchhhhh they can't wait for something. i need to put it in perspective. you say you can't wait for October because you're going to a concert? well first, yes, you literally can wait. but seriously, how much can you not wait?
what would you give up. ok, you can't wait for the concert, would you give up youtube for 3 weeks in order for the concert to happen tomorrow? no, well then, you can wait.
you can't wait?!? ok, would you give up 10% of your net worth for the concert to happen tomorrow? no? well then
ok, i'm done
my stupid blood alcohol breathalyzer test was a big fat waste of money. i used it for the first time over the weekend, and my first 3 blows, registered 3 consecutive 0.19. now, i highly doubt that was accurate because i didn't drink that much. so yeah, um that wasn't that much fun.
but then i thought, breathalyzers NEED to be conservative. NEEEED. let's say your BAC is 0.08.
it is better for your breathalyzer to register a .12 rather than a 0.07. it's imperative that your breathalyzer overestimates your drunkyness (i'm sure there's a better way to word that). what i'm trying to say, which is pretty obvious i guess, if you are slightly buzzed, its better for your breathalyzer to say you're fucking drunk, rather than to say you're slightly buzzed. SAFETY. jill is thinking "obviously grant, obviously"
what would you give up. ok, you can't wait for the concert, would you give up youtube for 3 weeks in order for the concert to happen tomorrow? no, well then, you can wait.
you can't wait?!? ok, would you give up 10% of your net worth for the concert to happen tomorrow? no? well then
ok, i'm done
my stupid blood alcohol breathalyzer test was a big fat waste of money. i used it for the first time over the weekend, and my first 3 blows, registered 3 consecutive 0.19. now, i highly doubt that was accurate because i didn't drink that much. so yeah, um that wasn't that much fun.
but then i thought, breathalyzers NEED to be conservative. NEEEED. let's say your BAC is 0.08.
it is better for your breathalyzer to register a .12 rather than a 0.07. it's imperative that your breathalyzer overestimates your drunkyness (i'm sure there's a better way to word that). what i'm trying to say, which is pretty obvious i guess, if you are slightly buzzed, its better for your breathalyzer to say you're fucking drunk, rather than to say you're slightly buzzed. SAFETY. jill is thinking "obviously grant, obviously"
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I feel like everyone thinks they are an above average tetris player. like, if you ask 1000 people if they think they are an above average tetris player, i feel like 90% will say yes. i was going to challenge someone at tetris. (but unfortunately there's no free tetris download on the iphone) i'm convinced that everyone is relatively equal in skill. everyone makes it to level 10 or whatever, everyone thinks they are legit because they wait for the long straight shape and get the 5-row thing. but everyone loses in level 13or whatever. everyone is average
it's interesting how instagram is the new baby photo album. almost everyone is on instagram, and almost everyone loves instagram. when people start to have kids. bang bang bang. you're going to see kids grow up on instagram. the 2012 photo album. kids will grow up and eventually look at their parents' instagram to see baby pictures. kids will look at their friends' parents' instagrams to see baby pictures of their friends. life is crazy. it's 2012
thinking about a lot lately and noticed that i have lots of little brother characteristics.
yep, even with people who are my age, i act like a little brother. lol not
am i crazy or is this hilarious? this is hilarious. i probably find this to be toooo funny if that makes sense. i mean, this is hilarious.
oh btw, i've noticed that you can say "i mean" before anything. instead of saying "um" when trying to think of something to say, you can replace that with "i mean"
example. if someone asks what you if the Warriors are going to make the playoffs. you can say "i mean, if the teams stays healthy and bogut plays like a beast..."
if jill asks why do you still watch youtube vids of box breaks, i can say "i mean, a hobby is a hobby, leave me alone"
why haven't i wrote anything in a while? i mean, it doesn't help that i have a hater that left 2 hater comments. lol nah jay kay, it's actually pretty funny. serious, go check
it's interesting how instagram is the new baby photo album. almost everyone is on instagram, and almost everyone loves instagram. when people start to have kids. bang bang bang. you're going to see kids grow up on instagram. the 2012 photo album. kids will grow up and eventually look at their parents' instagram to see baby pictures. kids will look at their friends' parents' instagrams to see baby pictures of their friends. life is crazy. it's 2012
thinking about a lot lately and noticed that i have lots of little brother characteristics.
yep, even with people who are my age, i act like a little brother. lol not
am i crazy or is this hilarious? this is hilarious. i probably find this to be toooo funny if that makes sense. i mean, this is hilarious.
oh btw, i've noticed that you can say "i mean" before anything. instead of saying "um" when trying to think of something to say, you can replace that with "i mean"
example. if someone asks what you if the Warriors are going to make the playoffs. you can say "i mean, if the teams stays healthy and bogut plays like a beast..."
if jill asks why do you still watch youtube vids of box breaks, i can say "i mean, a hobby is a hobby, leave me alone"
why haven't i wrote anything in a while? i mean, it doesn't help that i have a hater that left 2 hater comments. lol nah jay kay, it's actually pretty funny. serious, go check
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
it killlllls me when I can't understand my waiter. either because he doesn't speak up, or has a very heavy accent. not only is it frustrating, but it makes zero sense. if you own a restaurant, what are you thinking when you hire a person without a clear speaking voice? doesn't make business sense. like, isn't that a red flag? yes. and also, let's say you don't have a clear speaking voice, why would you want to be a waiter? that isn't fun. that sounds like torture.
-jonnyC asks "have you been watching youtube lately?"
lol umm, yes.
-i feel like instagram should have the option to turn off the double-tap/LIKE option. it's just too dangerous. i'm honestly a little scared of this feature. i can't afford to "like" certain photos on accident. i'm kidding. no i'm not. JUST GIVE ME THE OPTION
-so i bought a personal alcohol breathalyzer test on groupon for $24. i'm pretty damn excited for this. not only is it priceless, but the betting opportunities oh my. ok first, why aren't these things given away for free ninety nine? i mean, they are priceless. saves 1 life = priceless. i mean, that just makes sense. shouldn't breathalyzers be in every car by now? it's 2012. don't quite understand. ok, but the betting opportunities? oh my,
bet 1) you and your opponent. you have 3 hours to drink whatever you want. and in exactly 3 hours, whoever is closest to a .12 BAC, wins the bet. for every .01 you are under, you must take 2 shots, for every .01 you are over, you must take 1 shot. OR, maybe price is right style? or, if you nail .12 exactly, and your opponent is off by .03 or more, you get to shave their head? FUN
bet 2) whoever blows the highest BAC, wins? boring.
oh my god, i can't wait til it comes in. this isn't weird, is it? no it's not. wait, is it? no, it's not. NOPE
-jonnyC asks "have you been watching youtube lately?"
lol umm, yes.
-i feel like instagram should have the option to turn off the double-tap/LIKE option. it's just too dangerous. i'm honestly a little scared of this feature. i can't afford to "like" certain photos on accident. i'm kidding. no i'm not. JUST GIVE ME THE OPTION
-so i bought a personal alcohol breathalyzer test on groupon for $24. i'm pretty damn excited for this. not only is it priceless, but the betting opportunities oh my. ok first, why aren't these things given away for free ninety nine? i mean, they are priceless. saves 1 life = priceless. i mean, that just makes sense. shouldn't breathalyzers be in every car by now? it's 2012. don't quite understand. ok, but the betting opportunities? oh my,
bet 1) you and your opponent. you have 3 hours to drink whatever you want. and in exactly 3 hours, whoever is closest to a .12 BAC, wins the bet. for every .01 you are under, you must take 2 shots, for every .01 you are over, you must take 1 shot. OR, maybe price is right style? or, if you nail .12 exactly, and your opponent is off by .03 or more, you get to shave their head? FUN
bet 2) whoever blows the highest BAC, wins? boring.
oh my god, i can't wait til it comes in. this isn't weird, is it? no it's not. wait, is it? no, it's not. NOPE
Monday, June 25, 2012
i want to make some nba futures bets. here's one that i thought was interesting. i spend my free time thinking about stuff like this when i walk from the bus to my house. ok. Even money!
next year's nba finals champ. you get the Miami Heat
and IF the Warriors make it to the playoffs, you get OKC and the Warriors also.
simple. any takers? i was negotiating this with scott, and i don't want to ruin action, so he may or may not have taken the bet. i know russ will probably take it, he thinks the warriors are legit contenders, like right now.
i went to a playground a couple weeks ago (sounds creepy). but i wasn't alone (still creepy). but really, was just killing time in tracy. checking out Jacobson school. ok, this sounds incredibly creepy, but i swear i wasn't alone, and it wasn't creepy. went on the swings, which is still fun by the way. but any way, the point i'm trying to make is it's impossible to do monkey bars after you turn 24. when i was 5 or 6 years old, i used to kill it on the monkey bars at St. Pauls. just killing it out there. monkey bars all day til i fell and got slivers. but now, i couldn't make it half way. the first time i couldn't take it and let go and thought "wait, what just happened there?" tried again, and failed and that was that. interesting story i know
next year's nba finals champ. you get the Miami Heat
and IF the Warriors make it to the playoffs, you get OKC and the Warriors also.
simple. any takers? i was negotiating this with scott, and i don't want to ruin action, so he may or may not have taken the bet. i know russ will probably take it, he thinks the warriors are legit contenders, like right now.
i went to a playground a couple weeks ago (sounds creepy). but i wasn't alone (still creepy). but really, was just killing time in tracy. checking out Jacobson school. ok, this sounds incredibly creepy, but i swear i wasn't alone, and it wasn't creepy. went on the swings, which is still fun by the way. but any way, the point i'm trying to make is it's impossible to do monkey bars after you turn 24. when i was 5 or 6 years old, i used to kill it on the monkey bars at St. Pauls. just killing it out there. monkey bars all day til i fell and got slivers. but now, i couldn't make it half way. the first time i couldn't take it and let go and thought "wait, what just happened there?" tried again, and failed and that was that. interesting story i know
Monday, June 18, 2012
i hope this doesn't sound like one big humble brag. that's annoying.
but any way, i was fortunate enough to attend matt cain's perfect game. it was a last second thing. tickets were cheap
ok the game was amazing, but after, i couldn't help but try and put the game into perspective. how much was that experience worth to me? what would i trade it for?
these are my thoughts post perfect game. here's the breakdown, i paid $10 for tickets. but after the game, i kept thinking (i actually think about this stuff to myself, weird i know), how much was that experience worth to me? like, let's say i didn't go to the game, how much would i pay the baseball gods to allow me to take back the time, and attend the full game? i'm thinking that number is around $1,000? i dont know, maybe that's too high. ballpark #
here's another, what would i trade it for? would i trade the perfect game experience for game 1 of the 2010 world series? i've thought about this for a couple days now, and i have concluded that i would trade the perfect game in favor of game 1 of the world series. here's why, if you had tickets for game 1 of the world series, you have a few days leading up to the game to be excited/anxious. there's no such thing as a bad day leading up to game 1 of the world series. there is value in the build up. in this case, i honestly didn't know cain was throwing a perfect game until the 6th inning. not much build up. when i looked at the scoreboard and saw that the astros had no hits, i said "oh shit", then i checked my phone and saw cain had no walks, "oh shit". but yeah, every pitch after that was a very good sweat, i was literally jumping up and down in the 8th inning like a weirdo. i couldn't help it. but my point is, that feeling lasted about 1 hour. it was a crazy high that i'll never feel again. but yeah, there was no build up.
ok so here's another thing. i paid $10 for the tickets, and i essentially got about $1,000 (probably less) of value out of them. i'm running above EV (expected value), which means i could expect a reversion to the mean (aka some bad shit happening to me). ok, let's say when i was driving home after the game, and i'm at a stop sign, some crazy crackhead takes a bat and smashes my car windows. and i ask him "the fuckkk was that for?" and he just says "this is the reversion to the mean, you saw the perfect game, which provided you major value, this is just to even things out." i mean, being an EV-addict (expected value is interesting to me), i can't argue with him, i can only say "ahh, you right"
damn it, this is just a humble brag. jill is right, i'm annoying
but any way, i was fortunate enough to attend matt cain's perfect game. it was a last second thing. tickets were cheap
ok the game was amazing, but after, i couldn't help but try and put the game into perspective. how much was that experience worth to me? what would i trade it for?
these are my thoughts post perfect game. here's the breakdown, i paid $10 for tickets. but after the game, i kept thinking (i actually think about this stuff to myself, weird i know), how much was that experience worth to me? like, let's say i didn't go to the game, how much would i pay the baseball gods to allow me to take back the time, and attend the full game? i'm thinking that number is around $1,000? i dont know, maybe that's too high. ballpark #
here's another, what would i trade it for? would i trade the perfect game experience for game 1 of the 2010 world series? i've thought about this for a couple days now, and i have concluded that i would trade the perfect game in favor of game 1 of the world series. here's why, if you had tickets for game 1 of the world series, you have a few days leading up to the game to be excited/anxious. there's no such thing as a bad day leading up to game 1 of the world series. there is value in the build up. in this case, i honestly didn't know cain was throwing a perfect game until the 6th inning. not much build up. when i looked at the scoreboard and saw that the astros had no hits, i said "oh shit", then i checked my phone and saw cain had no walks, "oh shit". but yeah, every pitch after that was a very good sweat, i was literally jumping up and down in the 8th inning like a weirdo. i couldn't help it. but my point is, that feeling lasted about 1 hour. it was a crazy high that i'll never feel again. but yeah, there was no build up.
ok so here's another thing. i paid $10 for the tickets, and i essentially got about $1,000 (probably less) of value out of them. i'm running above EV (expected value), which means i could expect a reversion to the mean (aka some bad shit happening to me). ok, let's say when i was driving home after the game, and i'm at a stop sign, some crazy crackhead takes a bat and smashes my car windows. and i ask him "the fuckkk was that for?" and he just says "this is the reversion to the mean, you saw the perfect game, which provided you major value, this is just to even things out." i mean, being an EV-addict (expected value is interesting to me), i can't argue with him, i can only say "ahh, you right"
damn it, this is just a humble brag. jill is right, i'm annoying
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
bet for proof. with team frye daye.
for the 2012-13 nba season.
simple. kings have better record, he wins. warriors have better record, i win. even money?? haha.100 bones
just to be clear, i don't know shit about boxing.
but yea, everyone knows, the manny packyao fight was bull shit. and the judges were probably paid off. how much? must have been millions. there's a problem. boxing is too subjective. why have only 3 judges? so inefficient. there's too much money riding on these boxing matches. boxing is stuck in the 1980s, they need to make some changes. if i were running things (again, i don't know shit about boxing), i would have 98 respected judges judging the fight. i would have some fun with the last two spots. the 1st spot would be by fan vote. voting starts after the end of the fight, and voting is open for 10 minutes. America will decide who wins, that is the 99th scorecard. the last scorecard will be given to a celebrity boxing enthusiast.
there will be a celebrity judge auction. it will be a 30-minute made for tv event (think nba draft lottery). celebrities/wealthy businessmen will submit their names, and 10 of the wealthiest/most intriguing people will be invited. the auctioneer from storage wars will be the dude in charge. some fun possible names would be mark cuban, larry ellison, michael jordan, tiger woods. ok, so then, online sportsbooks can offer bets on who will be the celebrity judge of pacyao/bradley. money goes to the boys and girls club.
um. yea, so you have 100 judges. and something like this will not happen. it's easy. boxing is just too damn subjective. good god, if we bet manny at -440 or whatever it was, i would have been on some extremeeee tilt. like, they are giving away free Tag Heur watches at Tourneau for only an hour, and my car breaks down on the way there, and i look for a cab, but every damn taxi cab is full, and i sit there, and sit there, and sit there, until it's too late. wait, um
i'm actually surprised we didn't bet on manny to win. -440? that is right in our wheelhouse, we hit those, seems like 80% of the time. and when they lose, we just got unlucky. in my opinion, if we're talking about exactly a week before the packyao/bradley fight. the odds of scott and i making a bet on manny was -200, and betting the "yes" there was a good bet. so good that the book would have to adjust the line. ok i'm done. wait, how the hell did we not bet that? runnning good
for the 2012-13 nba season.
simple. kings have better record, he wins. warriors have better record, i win. even money?? haha.100 bones
just to be clear, i don't know shit about boxing.
but yea, everyone knows, the manny packyao fight was bull shit. and the judges were probably paid off. how much? must have been millions. there's a problem. boxing is too subjective. why have only 3 judges? so inefficient. there's too much money riding on these boxing matches. boxing is stuck in the 1980s, they need to make some changes. if i were running things (again, i don't know shit about boxing), i would have 98 respected judges judging the fight. i would have some fun with the last two spots. the 1st spot would be by fan vote. voting starts after the end of the fight, and voting is open for 10 minutes. America will decide who wins, that is the 99th scorecard. the last scorecard will be given to a celebrity boxing enthusiast.
there will be a celebrity judge auction. it will be a 30-minute made for tv event (think nba draft lottery). celebrities/wealthy businessmen will submit their names, and 10 of the wealthiest/most intriguing people will be invited. the auctioneer from storage wars will be the dude in charge. some fun possible names would be mark cuban, larry ellison, michael jordan, tiger woods. ok, so then, online sportsbooks can offer bets on who will be the celebrity judge of pacyao/bradley. money goes to the boys and girls club.
um. yea, so you have 100 judges. and something like this will not happen. it's easy. boxing is just too damn subjective. good god, if we bet manny at -440 or whatever it was, i would have been on some extremeeee tilt. like, they are giving away free Tag Heur watches at Tourneau for only an hour, and my car breaks down on the way there, and i look for a cab, but every damn taxi cab is full, and i sit there, and sit there, and sit there, until it's too late. wait, um
i'm actually surprised we didn't bet on manny to win. -440? that is right in our wheelhouse, we hit those, seems like 80% of the time. and when they lose, we just got unlucky. in my opinion, if we're talking about exactly a week before the packyao/bradley fight. the odds of scott and i making a bet on manny was -200, and betting the "yes" there was a good bet. so good that the book would have to adjust the line. ok i'm done. wait, how the hell did we not bet that? runnning good
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
i had a dream last night. i saw roger clemens at Costco. i quietly asked him "are you roger clemens?". he was wearing a hat and a hood. he said yes and i insta-asked him for a picture. my mom was there, so i gave her my phone. but it was torture, my mom didn't know how to use the camera function. i kept telling roger sorry, she'll get it soon. but he got impatient, and said he had to go. i was sooooo upset.
last weekend, i was walking to get food at the giants game. and walking in the opposite direction was jim harbaugh. i get star struck easily. my eyes opened wide and i think i said "oh shit" when he was about 8 feet in front of me. i'm pretty sure he heard me. i insta went crazy stalker kid and turned around and walked 10 feet behind him. i kept thinking oh shit, that's jim harbaugh. i think i'm getting old though. if this were 10 months ago, i would follow him until i was physically unable to (for example, he goes into a luxury suite and i get told "sir you can't go in there"). but after 30 seconds of following him, i just stopped and bought some food and that was that. cool story, i know
i saw this on twitter today. rob dyrdek (twitter: @robdyrdek) tweeted "hey @rob, do you have any interest in selling your twitter name?"
@rob (a regular dude named rob i assume) responded "i have had lots of offers, but you are the most legit one so far. i had a bet on who would contact first: thomas/dyrdek/kardashian"
then dyrdek tweeted "hahaha. what do you think? you need a vacation? maybe a nice watch?"
and that was that. this is so interesting to me. like yeah, if you locked up the sites like cars.com or shoes.com yearssss ago, you could have sold it for millions. but now, twitter names are valuable to people. when i signed up for twitter, maybe 18 months ago, i wanted gmiz, but it was taken, so i used gmizzz. i would pay some amount of money for gmiz (not that much obviously, but there's definitely a price i would pay). same with gmail. my first and last name@gmail.com was taken.) i would pay some amount of money in order to take it over. i'm curious how much the twiter name @rob is worth to rob dyrdek. $10k? $25? maybe more
another thing i thought about. in 600 years, nearly all usernames on twitter/gmail/yahoo will be taken. every email will look like john.smith456112@gmail.com. right? i mean, someone has johnsmith@gmail.com out there. what happens when that person dies and his account is idle for 3 years? will gmail let someone take over the account? this is interesting to me.
last weekend, i was walking to get food at the giants game. and walking in the opposite direction was jim harbaugh. i get star struck easily. my eyes opened wide and i think i said "oh shit" when he was about 8 feet in front of me. i'm pretty sure he heard me. i insta went crazy stalker kid and turned around and walked 10 feet behind him. i kept thinking oh shit, that's jim harbaugh. i think i'm getting old though. if this were 10 months ago, i would follow him until i was physically unable to (for example, he goes into a luxury suite and i get told "sir you can't go in there"). but after 30 seconds of following him, i just stopped and bought some food and that was that. cool story, i know
i saw this on twitter today. rob dyrdek (twitter: @robdyrdek) tweeted "hey @rob, do you have any interest in selling your twitter name?"
@rob (a regular dude named rob i assume) responded "i have had lots of offers, but you are the most legit one so far. i had a bet on who would contact first: thomas/dyrdek/kardashian"
then dyrdek tweeted "hahaha. what do you think? you need a vacation? maybe a nice watch?"
and that was that. this is so interesting to me. like yeah, if you locked up the sites like cars.com or shoes.com yearssss ago, you could have sold it for millions. but now, twitter names are valuable to people. when i signed up for twitter, maybe 18 months ago, i wanted gmiz, but it was taken, so i used gmizzz. i would pay some amount of money for gmiz (not that much obviously, but there's definitely a price i would pay). same with gmail. my first and last name@gmail.com was taken.) i would pay some amount of money in order to take it over. i'm curious how much the twiter name @rob is worth to rob dyrdek. $10k? $25? maybe more
another thing i thought about. in 600 years, nearly all usernames on twitter/gmail/yahoo will be taken. every email will look like john.smith456112@gmail.com. right? i mean, someone has johnsmith@gmail.com out there. what happens when that person dies and his account is idle for 3 years? will gmail let someone take over the account? this is interesting to me.
Monday, June 4, 2012
i was home last weekend and asked my mom what YOLO means.
she surprised me and insta-replied "low-fat yogurt?"
at first i started laughing, but then i thought. wow, that's a really great guess.
i think if this were a superbowl prop. it would look something like this
answer of "I Don't know" -450
i'm betting that, and texting scott "just bet the jmiz yolo i don't know prop at -450, it already moved to -480"
then scott would text me back something like "that's easy"
but anyway
i was waiting in line for some food at the giants game there was a couple in front of me. the dude looked pissed and was looking away from the girl. she looks at him and says "if we don't get back in time, I willl cry". i dont know why i thought this was interesting, but she was dead serious. he didn't say shit and looked away again. whatttt a threat. she emphasized the "willll".
i want to watch some Supermarket Sweep. that show was legitimate!
just a little observation. my "online theory" states that young people say "online" and old people (over 32) say "internet". i could be wrong, but i've noticed that old people say "babes" when referring to a group of girls. old person says "look at those babes over there" young person says "there's some potential here tonight"
am i wrong?
she surprised me and insta-replied "low-fat yogurt?"
at first i started laughing, but then i thought. wow, that's a really great guess.
i think if this were a superbowl prop. it would look something like this
answer of "I Don't know" -450
i'm betting that, and texting scott "just bet the jmiz yolo i don't know prop at -450, it already moved to -480"
then scott would text me back something like "that's easy"
but anyway
i was waiting in line for some food at the giants game there was a couple in front of me. the dude looked pissed and was looking away from the girl. she looks at him and says "if we don't get back in time, I willl cry". i dont know why i thought this was interesting, but she was dead serious. he didn't say shit and looked away again. whatttt a threat. she emphasized the "willll".
i want to watch some Supermarket Sweep. that show was legitimate!
just a little observation. my "online theory" states that young people say "online" and old people (over 32) say "internet". i could be wrong, but i've noticed that old people say "babes" when referring to a group of girls. old person says "look at those babes over there" young person says "there's some potential here tonight"
am i wrong?
Friday, May 25, 2012
fart sounds
i promise this isn't about me, just thought it was funny.
my friend "sam" goes on a date with a girl. he wants to show his friend a picture. creeps on her instagram, he doesn't "follow" her, but she's not private, so fair game. sam shows his friend a picture of the date in a slutty dress. the friend doesn't have instagram, but is an iphone user. he double taps to try and zoom, he "likes" the picture. panic. insta un-like.
slutty dress. double tap to zoom. accidental "like". panic
every other week, i say this "dude, look at this picture (on instagram), but be careful, do not double tap" i'm kidding
i've noticed, that in text and g-chat, i use "nah". but i never actually say "nah". this is interesting.
my parent's anniversary is July 10th, i got this.
I want to see a documentary on ticket scalpers. i always find it very interesting. i still don't quite understand how they make money. but i assume most do, so how much do they best make? i want to see and hear the negotiations. it's interesting because time means everything. as game time approaches, the value of the tickets decreases every second. how does that affect the negotiations? do the scalpers work together?
Friday, May 18, 2012
you chinese?
every other month, someone asks me "you chinese?" or "you korean?". like tonight, i was buying beer. the old chinese man asks me "you chinese?". i said no, i'm japanese. he said oh, and that was that, i handed him my credit card. but after the transaction, i started to think. what if i lied and said yes, i'm chinese.
if i lie, i assume that there is no way he can verify
scenario a: i tell him i'm japanese, i pay for my beer, move on
scenario b: i lie and tell him i'm chinese, (assume there is no way he can verify), and maybe make a new friend? get a discount? get future discounts?
am i missing something? there's no downside. only upside
Sunday, May 13, 2012
50/50 flips
these should be easy questions. but a few people have got one or both wrong.
best tom hanks movie?
best robin williams movie?
Mrs. Doubtfire.
just for fun, best jim carey movie?
Liar Liar and it's not close.
and best adam sandller movie?
big daddy and it's somewhat close. can't get mad if you say happy gilmore. billy madison is clear 3rd.
ok, the tough one. best movie: shawshank redemption or good will hunting?
i think you have to go shawshank redemption here. i don't feel comfortable picking one over the other. they're both sooo nasty. i wonder if they switched the girl in GWH with kate beckinsale, does that push it over the top? hm, probably not, but interesting thought, yes? ok. yep, just thought about it again, i'm going shawshank.
couple memorable quotes recently.
"why can't nice guys smash dimes?"
"don't bring sand to the beach"
-mandy said this when trying to explain why you shouldn't bring girls you're "sort of talking to" when you go out to a club
best tom hanks movie?
best robin williams movie?
Mrs. Doubtfire.
just for fun, best jim carey movie?
Liar Liar and it's not close.
and best adam sandller movie?
big daddy and it's somewhat close. can't get mad if you say happy gilmore. billy madison is clear 3rd.
ok, the tough one. best movie: shawshank redemption or good will hunting?
i think you have to go shawshank redemption here. i don't feel comfortable picking one over the other. they're both sooo nasty. i wonder if they switched the girl in GWH with kate beckinsale, does that push it over the top? hm, probably not, but interesting thought, yes? ok. yep, just thought about it again, i'm going shawshank.
couple memorable quotes recently.
"why can't nice guys smash dimes?"
"don't bring sand to the beach"
-mandy said this when trying to explain why you shouldn't bring girls you're "sort of talking to" when you go out to a club
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
today was a good day
wow. there have been months of rumors about a European investment group that was in negotiations to buy full tilt poker and eventually re-open the online poker site. and out of nowhere, negotiations stopped, and POKERSTARS stepped in, and acquired Full Tilt poker's assets. for $750M. wow wow wow.
couple links:
most important, ALL U.S. player balances will get refunded. unbelievable. people were selling their accounts for less than 50cents on the dollar. unbelievable. the next few weeks should be interesting. here's the deal. i have 2 full tilt poker accounts. one under my name and one i made under a friend's name. i should get the money in my account no problem. but i have most of my money in another account, under a friend's name (who i have spoken to twice in the past 2 years via text). hopefully he doesn't secretly hate me. i'm also not quite sure how they are going to distribute the funds. bank wire or check? not sure what kind of identification they are going to require. wowww. ok i'm done
couple links:
most important, ALL U.S. player balances will get refunded. unbelievable. people were selling their accounts for less than 50cents on the dollar. unbelievable. the next few weeks should be interesting. here's the deal. i have 2 full tilt poker accounts. one under my name and one i made under a friend's name. i should get the money in my account no problem. but i have most of my money in another account, under a friend's name (who i have spoken to twice in the past 2 years via text). hopefully he doesn't secretly hate me. i'm also not quite sure how they are going to distribute the funds. bank wire or check? not sure what kind of identification they are going to require. wowww. ok i'm done
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
no, not you
um, i love everything about this. the awkward humor. i could watch 45 minutes of no-not-you-ing. i would pay $4 right now to watch 45 minutes of this. i've watched this clip 14 times already. i need more. i want to do this, very badly
i remember this one time in high school, where i was the victim of a no-not-you. it was bad. and it was in class. so it's not exactly like you can just walk away and leave the embarrassment at the scene of the crime. oh man. 2nd period, freshman year, damn you stephanie. ok no more
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
a little
Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, projected top 4 pick
not the smoothest interview. but seriously, this draftexpress guy is a dickwad, grilling poor MKG. if i was asked "how are you doing today?" to start an interview, i would freeze up too. my favorite was when he said "i don't know how to explain it...like...i don't know..it's weird a little bit..."
i like that, i might use that one when i don't know how to respond. "i don't know...it's weird a little bit"
Saturday, April 14, 2012
title shot
my ESPN fantasy bball league is a keeper league. 2 keepers. the injury bug hit my opponent. not only did he lose lamarcus aldridge for the rest of the season, but it looks like kevin love could be shut down. the very high-risk move would be to drop both of them and go balls-out this year, but those are 2 legit insta-keepers. if you were to make a live-bet, i'm -300 to win now. how much would it suck though, if i had the championship almost-in the bag, but then lebron, rudy gay, and batum shoot a combined 1-60 from the field, shoot 2-39 from the line, and commit 41 turnovers in one night AND channing frye, gallo and illyasova (team kyle) nail a combined 34 3s---making me lose 4-5. i can't lose now. i think like a loser, a loss will only hurt more because now i'm supposed to win. it's like when you play in a pick up basketball game, with 1 girl on the opposing team. and the team asks who she wants to guard, and she looks at you and says "i'll take him" (that doesn't feel good by the way). just a bad scenario, you can't lose, you're supposed to have the miss-match. ugh.
never celebrate early, there's no upside. ask jean-robert
never celebrate early, there's no upside. ask jean-robert
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
bet for proof
Bet is for $200. with russ "dental program" uchizono.
5 categories. closest wins the category. majority wins
Pujols BA- .329
Sandoval BA- .310
Giants wins- 86
Angels wins- 91
NL wins championship
Pujols BA- .316
Sandoval BA- .305
Giants wins- 92
Angels wins- 96
AL wins championship
pretty straight forward bet. but, if the giants and angels face each other in the world series, the loser will have to shave his head and eyebrows off. If the SF vs LAA world series goes to game seven, the winner gets to taser the loser.
5 categories. closest wins the category. majority wins
Pujols BA- .329
Sandoval BA- .310
Giants wins- 86
Angels wins- 91
NL wins championship
Pujols BA- .316
Sandoval BA- .305
Giants wins- 92
Angels wins- 96
AL wins championship
pretty straight forward bet. but, if the giants and angels face each other in the world series, the loser will have to shave his head and eyebrows off. If the SF vs LAA world series goes to game seven, the winner gets to taser the loser.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
i'm a natural hater, but i dont mean to be, i promise. i read the first chapter of hunger games, and i watched the movie. the question i have: when prim was crying about possibly being picked as a tribute, and katniss was trying to calm her down. why didn't katniss just tell prim "listen, you only have 1 entry, i have 30 (or whatever it was), the odds of you getting picked are highly unlikely. but listen, i'll promise you, that if you do happened to get picked, i'll just volunteer and take your place. so stop crying, you have a zero percent chance of being a tribute." that is alllll she had to say, and the tears would go away. as soon as prim was picked, without hesitation, katniss volunteered. why not cut the bull shit and just tell prim before the ceremony thing that her ONE entry might as well say katniss everdeen on it? i'm a hater, and not proud of it.
Monday, April 9, 2012
1 bill
facebook bought instagram for a cool billion dollars. wow. one thousand million? i never really told anyone this, but instagram was my idea. it was probably 2009, and i thought 'wouldn't it be cool to have something similar to twitter, but just with pictures? people love pictures!' i was going to name it instapic. unfortunately, instead of following though on my idea, i had to catch up with some basketball box breaks (or "unboxing of basketball cards" according to mimi) on youtube. oh well, next time. wait, can you imagine if google bought facebook? quick, stop! my head almost exploded.
why do some playgrounds have tan bark? sand >bark. i can't think of one good reason why bark is better than sand. maybe its cheaper? BS. when kids play, they fall down. i remember when i was a kid, if you fall off the monkey bars or fall when playing hide and go seek, your hands and knees would get sliver'ed up. it pretty much ruins your day, unless its pizza/movie day. ugh, bark and slivers suck
i played 2 fantasy basketball leagues this year. and fortunately, i am in the championship in both. i wish i was more confident, but i honestly feel like i'm +300 to win either league. in my espn league, i'm playing kyle, who everyone knows is one of most respected managers in the league (i'm 80% serious). and i made a mistake already. as soon as it was confirmed that we would be playing each other in the championship, i panic-texted him asking for a chop of the prize pool$. he said "lol". so, basically he knows i'm scared already. this will be my 3rd championship appearance. i'm swagless, i think like a loser, right now, i would be extremely satisfied with 1 championship and 1 2nd place finish. kobe would never think like this. ugh, i'm going to lose, if i lose both, i don't know how i'll recover next year. where will i find the motivation? so close. yeah, i'm screwed. just checked, and ESPN championship rounds are 2 weeks and yahoo is only 1 week. i wish they were both 1 week. there's too much skill with 2 weeks. oh well, next time. i lost already
why do some playgrounds have tan bark? sand >bark. i can't think of one good reason why bark is better than sand. maybe its cheaper? BS. when kids play, they fall down. i remember when i was a kid, if you fall off the monkey bars or fall when playing hide and go seek, your hands and knees would get sliver'ed up. it pretty much ruins your day, unless its pizza/movie day. ugh, bark and slivers suck
i played 2 fantasy basketball leagues this year. and fortunately, i am in the championship in both. i wish i was more confident, but i honestly feel like i'm +300 to win either league. in my espn league, i'm playing kyle, who everyone knows is one of most respected managers in the league (i'm 80% serious). and i made a mistake already. as soon as it was confirmed that we would be playing each other in the championship, i panic-texted him asking for a chop of the prize pool$. he said "lol". so, basically he knows i'm scared already. this will be my 3rd championship appearance. i'm swagless, i think like a loser, right now, i would be extremely satisfied with 1 championship and 1 2nd place finish. kobe would never think like this. ugh, i'm going to lose, if i lose both, i don't know how i'll recover next year. where will i find the motivation? so close. yeah, i'm screwed. just checked, and ESPN championship rounds are 2 weeks and yahoo is only 1 week. i wish they were both 1 week. there's too much skill with 2 weeks. oh well, next time. i lost already
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
i had to
sorry, this will be hard to follow. this is what happens
when you share an online sportsbook account with your cousin. then you go on a
cold streak. have 77 dollars left in the account. want 500 in the account
before baseball season starts. and it's march madness. this conversation did
not happen on aim while the stock market was open last week. looking-back
thoughts in paranthessesis
g: bet the 77 (half joking)
Jrich: on marquette?
g: i dont know
g: ML syracuse and then marquette
g: parlay
Jrich: wisconsin gonna win tohugh
g: ML wiscy
g: and marquette -2
Jrich: 67 to win 250
Jrich: cuse ml and marquette -2
is 67 to win 140
g: damn, that 10 dollar loss on
the warriors hurt (we bet $10 on the warriors on chris mullin bobblehead night,
another L)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
---ive been trying my ass off to win the lottery, and haven't won it yet. and tomorrow it's a cool 291 million. i don't know what else i can do. i really want to win
---i was talking to clara on gchat at work last week. she told me that she was flying to LA to visit some friends. and then she said something like "ugh, i'm not looking forward to the flight because i have to ask someone to put my carry-on in the overhead storage". i thought to myself, i will have to worry/think about that zero times in my life. so crazy. it's nice
---scottmizuno.com is 100% crazy. gardettos > cheez-it party mix.
read the debate if you want. http://scottmizuno.com/post/19742383212/cheez-it-party-mix-v-gardettos
i'm going to be honest, cheez-it party mix is good. but i feel gardettos is on a different level. cheez-it party mix is only slightly better than chex mix. now, i didn't say chex mix is better than cheez-it party mix. BUT, they are both on the same level, looking up at gardettos.
---the last time i was at home, we went out for my mom's bday. then came home, turned the tv on. and some lady was interviewing another lady. the one being interviewed was one of whitney houston's friends. they were both African American. My dad turns to my mom and says "i like her hair, you should do your hair like that". I looked at Derek, then my mom and started laughing. then asked my dad, "you know she's African American, right?". my dad just said "still.."
---i was talking to clara on gchat at work last week. she told me that she was flying to LA to visit some friends. and then she said something like "ugh, i'm not looking forward to the flight because i have to ask someone to put my carry-on in the overhead storage". i thought to myself, i will have to worry/think about that zero times in my life. so crazy. it's nice
---scottmizuno.com is 100% crazy. gardettos > cheez-it party mix.
read the debate if you want. http://scottmizuno.com/post/19742383212/cheez-it-party-mix-v-gardettos
i'm going to be honest, cheez-it party mix is good. but i feel gardettos is on a different level. cheez-it party mix is only slightly better than chex mix. now, i didn't say chex mix is better than cheez-it party mix. BUT, they are both on the same level, looking up at gardettos.
---the last time i was at home, we went out for my mom's bday. then came home, turned the tv on. and some lady was interviewing another lady. the one being interviewed was one of whitney houston's friends. they were both African American. My dad turns to my mom and says "i like her hair, you should do your hair like that". I looked at Derek, then my mom and started laughing. then asked my dad, "you know she's African American, right?". my dad just said "still.."
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
i'm just going to say it one last time. i'm completely over groupons. did a quick check of the big 4 (groupon, living social, google offers, amazon local), and i currently have 6 deals that i have yet to redeem. 2 have expired, and the other 4 will expire relatively soon. the last straw was when i saw a groupon for a mexican restaurant in tracy. Casa Flores. it's close to our house and my mom said it was good. so when i saw a $10 for $20 deal, i reluctantly bought it. once i told my mom about it, she said that there are always coupons for that place in the newspaper (get $10 off for $20 purchase). level 5-tilt. damnnn it. yes i'll probably let the rest expire worthless. no i don't care. yes i know i said i would never let any of them expire worthless. yes i'm all talk. yes i heard that if you email groupon and say that you want your money back, that they will give it to you. no i probably won't do it.
scramble is like chess. there's too much skill. that's why i am (and most people i think) are a little scrambled out. if you are better than someone, you will beat them 85% of the time. it's still cool, but just kind of over it at the moment. just fyi, that's exactly why poker is so much fun, perfect combination of skill and luck. i'm on to "draw something" (GMIZ). it's cool. but the 2 things i don't like. there isn't a chat window so you can talk to the person you are playing with. and more importantly, there's no competitive aspect to the game. you can't "own" somebody. When i first started playing scramble, i would fist-pump after a good round. That will never happen in draw something. i don't know how i would change it. don't have answers, only questions and complaints
scramble is like chess. there's too much skill. that's why i am (and most people i think) are a little scrambled out. if you are better than someone, you will beat them 85% of the time. it's still cool, but just kind of over it at the moment. just fyi, that's exactly why poker is so much fun, perfect combination of skill and luck. i'm on to "draw something" (GMIZ). it's cool. but the 2 things i don't like. there isn't a chat window so you can talk to the person you are playing with. and more importantly, there's no competitive aspect to the game. you can't "own" somebody. When i first started playing scramble, i would fist-pump after a good round. That will never happen in draw something. i don't know how i would change it. don't have answers, only questions and complaints
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
numbers don't lie
3 - thank god for drake. if you want to convince me to do something, just say YOLO 3 times. i can't say no.
person- you down?
gm- no thanks, i better not.
person- YOLO
gm- ahhh
person- YOLO
gm- shitt
person- YOLOOO
gm- fine!
4 - the amount of alarm clock notifications that i use/need to wake up in the morning
127 million - the jackot for tomorrow's lottery. greg asked me if i wanted to join a pool, just $5 every time the jackpot is over $100 million, and the jackpot is split evenly depending on how many ppl join. i never play the lottery, i'm the most practical person ever. i love odds, and i completely understand the odds of the lotto. but i couldn't say no. how could i live with myself if i decline and then greg's pool wins? i can't take that chance. there's a 99% chance i would go insane. i'm 100% serious about that. as my mom would say, fuck it. I'm in
.545 - my guess on the knicks season winning %. $100 prop bet with rus. we had to guess the knicks season winning percentage. we each submitted our numbers, closest wins. simple. he guessed .577 i believe. should be interesting. i looked at their schedule, didn't look that easy. lots of games with philly, chicago, indiana. i like making bets with russ. i think i have edge. the same guy that bet he could name 5 players on each nba team (he failed). the same guy that bet even money that the warriors will win a championship in the next 9 years. the same guy that said "breathe through your mouth, it smells really bad in there". this particular bet is probably a wash. this nba regular season is too damn unpredictable.
8 - on a scale of 1-10 (10 being extreme monkey tilt). when i NEED a cab, and can't get one, i'm at a level 8-tilt. there's nothing more frustrating (a close 2nd is looking for my misplaced keys/wallet). but forreal, when i need a cab, and can't get one. i drop bombs. a combination of "fcuk" "are you fcuking serious?" "fcuk man" "wow" "fcuk my life dude". i swear, money isn't even an issue. when i'm at level 8, i'd happily pay 3X the normal cab fare just to get in a cab instantly. if i'm at level 8, and a cab fairy appears and says "here's a rock, all you have to do is break a car window with it, and a cab will appear in 20 seconds. if you choose to break a window, there's a 95% chance you get away with it, but 5% of the time, you get caught. you down?" i think i'm saying yes to this. 5 percent? i can dodge that. EZ
8 - march 8th is jmiz's birthday
person- you down?
gm- no thanks, i better not.
person- YOLO
gm- ahhh
person- YOLO
gm- shitt
person- YOLOOO
gm- fine!
4 - the amount of alarm clock notifications that i use/need to wake up in the morning
127 million - the jackot for tomorrow's lottery. greg asked me if i wanted to join a pool, just $5 every time the jackpot is over $100 million, and the jackpot is split evenly depending on how many ppl join. i never play the lottery, i'm the most practical person ever. i love odds, and i completely understand the odds of the lotto. but i couldn't say no. how could i live with myself if i decline and then greg's pool wins? i can't take that chance. there's a 99% chance i would go insane. i'm 100% serious about that. as my mom would say, fuck it. I'm in
.545 - my guess on the knicks season winning %. $100 prop bet with rus. we had to guess the knicks season winning percentage. we each submitted our numbers, closest wins. simple. he guessed .577 i believe. should be interesting. i looked at their schedule, didn't look that easy. lots of games with philly, chicago, indiana. i like making bets with russ. i think i have edge. the same guy that bet he could name 5 players on each nba team (he failed). the same guy that bet even money that the warriors will win a championship in the next 9 years. the same guy that said "breathe through your mouth, it smells really bad in there". this particular bet is probably a wash. this nba regular season is too damn unpredictable.
8 - on a scale of 1-10 (10 being extreme monkey tilt). when i NEED a cab, and can't get one, i'm at a level 8-tilt. there's nothing more frustrating (a close 2nd is looking for my misplaced keys/wallet). but forreal, when i need a cab, and can't get one. i drop bombs. a combination of "fcuk" "are you fcuking serious?" "fcuk man" "wow" "fcuk my life dude". i swear, money isn't even an issue. when i'm at level 8, i'd happily pay 3X the normal cab fare just to get in a cab instantly. if i'm at level 8, and a cab fairy appears and says "here's a rock, all you have to do is break a car window with it, and a cab will appear in 20 seconds. if you choose to break a window, there's a 95% chance you get away with it, but 5% of the time, you get caught. you down?" i think i'm saying yes to this. 5 percent? i can dodge that. EZ
8 - march 8th is jmiz's birthday
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
in 2001. this is what i spent my money on. a 2001 kwame brown rookie card #/750. i don't remember exactly, but i probably spent $30-40 on the card itself, then another $20 to get it graded (turned out it was in mint condition). this is middle school dollars too. all for nothing. before i made the purchase, scottmizuno.com told me that kwame was the next big thing. damn it. 11 years later, and it's safe to say that this was a bad investment. i wish jeremy lin entered the league when i was 12. i would've made a fortune
Thursday, February 23, 2012
hey jon, you want a beer?
"um, beer before liquor, you're in the clear. yes" lol
still learning, but 2 rules of instagram
1. if you're eating fancy/good looking food, post it.
2. do not post pictures of dead/bloody animals
i like the game. time goes by so quickly. 2 weeks ago, i was playing on the bus and missed my stop.unfortunately i'm not very good. i can consistently beat my uncle. CONSISTENTLY. if we played a best of 7 series next sunday. I would open as a -450 favorite, and by gametime, i would be bet up to -520. but damn, some people just continually crush me. i added scramble to my gym routine. now, before i leave, i ride the bike until i run out of tokens. improve conditioning and get my scramble on. fun anddd educational (jingle all the way)
the scramble bomb- it's when you use all of your tokens on one person when they aren't expecting it. it's so much fun. i've texted "don't make me scramble bomb you" twice in the past month
"um, beer before liquor, you're in the clear. yes" lol
still learning, but 2 rules of instagram
1. if you're eating fancy/good looking food, post it.
2. do not post pictures of dead/bloody animals
i like the game. time goes by so quickly. 2 weeks ago, i was playing on the bus and missed my stop.unfortunately i'm not very good. i can consistently beat my uncle. CONSISTENTLY. if we played a best of 7 series next sunday. I would open as a -450 favorite, and by gametime, i would be bet up to -520. but damn, some people just continually crush me. i added scramble to my gym routine. now, before i leave, i ride the bike until i run out of tokens. improve conditioning and get my scramble on. fun anddd educational (jingle all the way)
the scramble bomb- it's when you use all of your tokens on one person when they aren't expecting it. it's so much fun. i've texted "don't make me scramble bomb you" twice in the past month
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I think it would be interesting to date a girl that uses the word "finna". just to try it out, you only live once. you know, like if i ask her what she's up to later. she responds with something like "once i get home, i'm finna try this new Thai restaurant that just opened near my house." cute
i think it'd be hilarious to think of my mom and dad meeting this girl. my dad asks her what school she goes to. she says something like "finishing up community college, once i finish that, i'm finna go to nursing school." cmiz asks "excuse me? you're going to what??" i chime in "dad, after cc, she's finna go to nursing school"
^^ohhh god, i want this so bad.
saw dave chappelle at a bar last friday. no, i didn't go stalker-crazy kid on him. i didn't ask for a picture and i didn't stare that much. he was sitting at a table with a very average girl. i didn't plan on bothering him. but i was still prepared. i had my phone ready. if he did anything shady, i was going to record the shit out of it. i was going to be that guy. if he was creeping on a girl a little too hard, i was going to be there. that woulda been sick. would have put it on youtube in less than an hour. but that just makes me think how shitty it must be to be famous in 2012. if you are even somewhat famous, there's always an weird guy at a bar with a camera phone just waiting for you to make a mistake. what if i gave my phone to someone and told them to to record dave in 2 minutes, something is about to happen. i walk away, and approach dave and call him a punkass bitch and throw my beer on him. he's going to retaliate right? boom. something unique about me? um, youtube "dave chappelle gets into a bar fight with asian kid in san francisco. that's me!"
i think it'd be hilarious to think of my mom and dad meeting this girl. my dad asks her what school she goes to. she says something like "finishing up community college, once i finish that, i'm finna go to nursing school." cmiz asks "excuse me? you're going to what??" i chime in "dad, after cc, she's finna go to nursing school"
^^ohhh god, i want this so bad.
saw dave chappelle at a bar last friday. no, i didn't go stalker-crazy kid on him. i didn't ask for a picture and i didn't stare that much. he was sitting at a table with a very average girl. i didn't plan on bothering him. but i was still prepared. i had my phone ready. if he did anything shady, i was going to record the shit out of it. i was going to be that guy. if he was creeping on a girl a little too hard, i was going to be there. that woulda been sick. would have put it on youtube in less than an hour. but that just makes me think how shitty it must be to be famous in 2012. if you are even somewhat famous, there's always an weird guy at a bar with a camera phone just waiting for you to make a mistake. what if i gave my phone to someone and told them to to record dave in 2 minutes, something is about to happen. i walk away, and approach dave and call him a punkass bitch and throw my beer on him. he's going to retaliate right? boom. something unique about me? um, youtube "dave chappelle gets into a bar fight with asian kid in san francisco. that's me!"
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
that's about right.
i can't stand it. this is the highest level of tilt i've experienced in probably a year.
in november 2010, i posted this.
"There is a link to a new set of basketball set to release in October, AND IT BEGINS. I am SO ready to buy every damn Jeremy Lin basketball card that I possibly can.
in December 2010, i posted this.
"Watching Jeremy Lin miss 3 consecutive free throws against the Spurs was brutal. I haven't bought any of his basketball cards on ebay because i figure that all the crazy Asian fans would overpay for the first couple sets. Buuuuuuuuut, I think it's finally time to go crazy."
and here i am, the peak of linsanity, and nothing to show for it. for some reason, i checked ebay again yesterday. $3 cards were still selling for $200 plus. and National Treasures rookie cards, that I could have bought for $30ish, areselling for $1,900+ consistently. ouch. i just keep thinking in my head--that's about right.
i feel like this whole LINsanity movement was meant for me. i can't even imagine how much money i wasted on cards when i was a kid. not that i would change anything about it, i had lots of fun. but i just feel the basketball card gods we're trying to give me a break. they were trying to help me out. they were discussing "you know that mizuno kid, he spent a shit-ton of money when he was a kid. let's help him out here, he blogged that he is going to buy a bunch of Lin cards. we'll make them CHEAP FOR A YEAR AND A HALF (A YEAR AND A HALF???! ugh), he can load up. and when linsanity takes over america in february 2012. he'll cash in. he deserves it". other god says "but wait, are you sure that he will buy a bunch like he claimed?" "of course, he loves the card hobby, and when JLIN first played for the warriors, mizuno was one of those crazy asian fans that would get excited when jeremy would just be dribbling the ball, trust me, it's a lay-up, even mizuno can't miss this one"
fast forward. . even when we were in chicago last summer, scott pointed out a jeremy lin autographed rookie card in the $5 box (currently selling for $250+), i asked the dealer if i could get it for $3 (knowing that i could buy it on ebay for $3. AND i was trying to practice my pawn-stars negotiating skills). he said no, i walked away. that's about right. this was a lay-up. my entire card collecting career was leading up to this point, and i blew it. i choked. the moment was too big. i guess i wasn't ready for it. but the bad part is, it's never happening again. never.
jeremy lin's middle school yearbook just sold on ebay for $4,800. it's signed by jeremy. just ridiculous, 4,800!? i went to monte vista middle school, there's a 0% chance that anyone in that damn yearbook becomes even somewhat famous. it's ok, that's about right.
and the weird thing is, i buy some stupid shit sometimes. i was at walgreens the other day buying toothpaste and q-tips. i randomly see this Ear-Wiz ear wax remover (google it), it was $6.99, and i insta-bought it without thinking twice. how could i not buy anyyyyyy jeremy lin cards. that's about right. by the way, that ear thing doesn't even work
jeremy lin is going to haunt me. of course he can't just get better slow and steadily. he has to start off with the big ass bang. this is bad, i truly am happy for him, but all i can think about is how i DIDN'T benefit from all of this. selfish. i guess i could always be thankful that i was there when he tore up john wall in summer league. but that's worth zero dollars. that's not going to inflate my paypal account.
ok, i'm over it. i feel better now. just kidding, i don't feel better. FUKK
in november 2010, i posted this.
"There is a link to a new set of basketball set to release in October, AND IT BEGINS. I am SO ready to buy every damn Jeremy Lin basketball card that I possibly can.
in December 2010, i posted this.
"Watching Jeremy Lin miss 3 consecutive free throws against the Spurs was brutal. I haven't bought any of his basketball cards on ebay because i figure that all the crazy Asian fans would overpay for the first couple sets. Buuuuuuuuut, I think it's finally time to go crazy."
and here i am, the peak of linsanity, and nothing to show for it. for some reason, i checked ebay again yesterday. $3 cards were still selling for $200 plus. and National Treasures rookie cards, that I could have bought for $30ish, areselling for $1,900+ consistently. ouch. i just keep thinking in my head--that's about right.
i feel like this whole LINsanity movement was meant for me. i can't even imagine how much money i wasted on cards when i was a kid. not that i would change anything about it, i had lots of fun. but i just feel the basketball card gods we're trying to give me a break. they were trying to help me out. they were discussing "you know that mizuno kid, he spent a shit-ton of money when he was a kid. let's help him out here, he blogged that he is going to buy a bunch of Lin cards. we'll make them CHEAP FOR A YEAR AND A HALF (A YEAR AND A HALF???! ugh), he can load up. and when linsanity takes over america in february 2012. he'll cash in. he deserves it". other god says "but wait, are you sure that he will buy a bunch like he claimed?" "of course, he loves the card hobby, and when JLIN first played for the warriors, mizuno was one of those crazy asian fans that would get excited when jeremy would just be dribbling the ball, trust me, it's a lay-up, even mizuno can't miss this one"
fast forward. . even when we were in chicago last summer, scott pointed out a jeremy lin autographed rookie card in the $5 box (currently selling for $250+), i asked the dealer if i could get it for $3 (knowing that i could buy it on ebay for $3. AND i was trying to practice my pawn-stars negotiating skills). he said no, i walked away. that's about right. this was a lay-up. my entire card collecting career was leading up to this point, and i blew it. i choked. the moment was too big. i guess i wasn't ready for it. but the bad part is, it's never happening again. never.
jeremy lin's middle school yearbook just sold on ebay for $4,800. it's signed by jeremy. just ridiculous, 4,800!? i went to monte vista middle school, there's a 0% chance that anyone in that damn yearbook becomes even somewhat famous. it's ok, that's about right.
and the weird thing is, i buy some stupid shit sometimes. i was at walgreens the other day buying toothpaste and q-tips. i randomly see this Ear-Wiz ear wax remover (google it), it was $6.99, and i insta-bought it without thinking twice. how could i not buy anyyyyyy jeremy lin cards. that's about right. by the way, that ear thing doesn't even work
jeremy lin is going to haunt me. of course he can't just get better slow and steadily. he has to start off with the big ass bang. this is bad, i truly am happy for him, but all i can think about is how i DIDN'T benefit from all of this. selfish. i guess i could always be thankful that i was there when he tore up john wall in summer league. but that's worth zero dollars. that's not going to inflate my paypal account.
ok, i'm over it. i feel better now. just kidding, i don't feel better. FUKK
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
sad day
i'm obviously happy for jeremy lin. but i'm upset that linsanity isn't happening in the bay area. every knicks game for me is going to be exciting now. and unfortunately, i have to illegally stream the games online. blah blah blah, can't the warriors just say sorry and get him back? i was talking to my mom, and i told her that if jeremy lin can do it, that i could have played in the NBA too. she insta-replied "not really, you have flat feet and character issues, remember?". i'm kidding, she would never say this to my face. i think
i remember last year, i said that i would buy every jeremy lin rookie card. that didn't happen, i have exactly 0 jeremy lin rookie cards. after the lakers game, i check on ebay. and cards that you could have bought for $5 or less, were selling for around $250. it's ridiculous. i felt like shit after i saw that. could've made $200 profit for each rookie card. un fucking reall. i'm actually legit upset about this. FUKKKK
nice little humble brag. i think every other time i talk to russ, he says something like
"dude, UCLA dentistry school is so hard"
Vegas in June? "nah, i have super hard midterms i have to study for, UCLA dentistry school is no joke man"
hey russ, how was your day
"dude, i had labs and classes from 8am to about 4PM, then i just came home to study for my midterm tomorrow. it's going to be super hard. but it's ok though. i go to UCLA, and i'm in the dental program"
i hope this isn't mean, russ is hirarious. hmm, shit russ says
"i'm a good looking guy, right? who wouldn't want this? (looking in mirror w/ noshirt)
"OKKKK" (that japanese character that he does)
"you know how i know you're gay..."
"hey grant, umm, umm, what's that, umm, what's the irish team called" (he was thinking of notre dame"
"i think i studied for like um, 8 hours straight last night"
"hella cutty"
"celebrity shot, celebrity shot"
*shot of 4 guys playing smash bros*, the game starts, russ has a bad start, and insta-quits. no one says anything, because that's just what he does
*shot of russ playing catch (baseball) and overthrowing the person by about 10 feet and saying "you should have caught that one..."
*russ in the club dancing with one hand on the wall, almost on the ground, trying to "get low"
*shot of russ playing poker, and losing. lol
i remember last year, i said that i would buy every jeremy lin rookie card. that didn't happen, i have exactly 0 jeremy lin rookie cards. after the lakers game, i check on ebay. and cards that you could have bought for $5 or less, were selling for around $250. it's ridiculous. i felt like shit after i saw that. could've made $200 profit for each rookie card. un fucking reall. i'm actually legit upset about this. FUKKKK
nice little humble brag. i think every other time i talk to russ, he says something like
"dude, UCLA dentistry school is so hard"
Vegas in June? "nah, i have super hard midterms i have to study for, UCLA dentistry school is no joke man"
hey russ, how was your day
"dude, i had labs and classes from 8am to about 4PM, then i just came home to study for my midterm tomorrow. it's going to be super hard. but it's ok though. i go to UCLA, and i'm in the dental program"
i hope this isn't mean, russ is hirarious. hmm, shit russ says
"i'm a good looking guy, right? who wouldn't want this? (looking in mirror w/ noshirt)
"OKKKK" (that japanese character that he does)
"you know how i know you're gay..."
"hey grant, umm, umm, what's that, umm, what's the irish team called" (he was thinking of notre dame"
"i think i studied for like um, 8 hours straight last night"
"hella cutty"
"celebrity shot, celebrity shot"
*shot of 4 guys playing smash bros*, the game starts, russ has a bad start, and insta-quits. no one says anything, because that's just what he does
*shot of russ playing catch (baseball) and overthrowing the person by about 10 feet and saying "you should have caught that one..."
*russ in the club dancing with one hand on the wall, almost on the ground, trying to "get low"
*shot of russ playing poker, and losing. lol
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

i've been playing a lot of skeeball lately. i'm serious. there's a pair of skeeball games in this bar close by. Add alcohol with a throwback Chuck-E-Cheese game, mixed with a little bit of gambling = fun.
I challenged ray and jt. scott and i versus ray and jt, alternate rolls (9 balls total), highest score wins. i figured everyone is about average, so the teams would be even. wrong. ray is way below average at skeeball, i'm not sure if he was nervous or what. (this is the same guy that needs a napkin when he plays beer pong. he wipes the ball completely dry before he goes. if he doesn't, he claims it "slips"). i think he averaged 15 points per roll. if you simply roll the ball (but miss the 30, 40, and 50-point holes), the game gives you 10 points. if i was blind folded, holding my drink with my right hand, and rolling left handed---i could probably average 12.5 per roll over a 100 roll sample size.
after the bar, we had to walk home, probably a 15 minute walk. i think there was 6 of us. we were just walking, and i turn around, and andy runs up to a street sign, jumps and tries to touch it, but misses. i see scott and someone else talking about the jump, and then renegotiating a bet. i found out, they were betting on whether or not andy could jump and touch a sign. what a great idea. you probably had to be there, but the whole way home, we would look for the next street sign, huddle up, challenge/negotiate to see who could touch/or not touch it, and place your bets. yeah, you probably had to be there. a bunch of "that sign right there, the school sign, i say scott can't touch it, who wants the yes? alright, you take the yes, i'll take the no, how much? ok ok. alright, go scott. scott hits it, fuck!"
my favorite, andy had missed a couple signs in a row, then i challenged him to jump and hit the branches of a tree, but he had to grab and hold at least 5 leaves when he landed, i bet the no, and i believe he did it. this is a bad story, oh well. 5 people know what i'm talking about. then i saw a dead rat in the street, posted it to instragram, and was told "you single-handedly ruined instagram for me". ouch
Monday, February 6, 2012
super bowl sunday rolls around. i was legit excited for the super bowl national anthem, such a good sweat. scottmizuno.com did his research and booked 3 bets.
under 94 seconds at +130
no unplanned delays/omitted words at -800 (bet 80 to win $10)
kelly clarkson doesn't wear a jersey/shirt with numbers on it -300 (bet 30 to win $10)
it was awesome, 94ish seconds of pure sweat, we're talking pure sweat. betting on a basketball could be a good sweat, but nothing like the super bowl national anthem.
here we go.
boom, no jersey, winner, easy money. only -300? ugh, too easy
she starts singing, and all i can think to myself is "don't you fuck up, relax, but hurry". then around the 48second mark, they show about 50 kids singing along with kelly. and the drummers! what the fuck, if i had known she would be singing with 50 kids, i would definitely not have bet the "no unplanned delays/omitted words". NOW, not only are we hoping that kelly doesn't fuck up, i gotta worry about 50 other little fuckers getting nervous and forgetting words/passing out. think about it, pause at the 50 second mark, if i'm the kid in the back, and the fat kid passes out, i'm going to stop singing and say "whoa who whoa, guys, billy fell down, stop guys, STOP!". right? booom, UNPLANNED DELAY FTL.
-800 is not a good price if there are 50+ people singing. but another thing, if i'm one of those kids, i'm timing every damn practice rehearsal with my phone. that information is worth mirrions. if i'm that kid, i'm timing each rehearsal and telling fat billy to do the same, we compile the numbers, and can therefore pass along the information to anyone willing to pay for it. once i know where the value is (under or over 94 seconds), i'm texting scott "clear the bank accounts, bet the over 94 seconds in as much size as you can pull off". if my son was one of those singers, i'm 100% asking him if i should bet the over or under. if i find out that my friend's 2nd cousin's nephew is singing the super bowl national anthem, i'm insta-adding him on facebook to try and get some inside information. creepy i know
but wait, what if one of those kids was approached by a shady sports gambler and says something like "hi, not gonna bull shit you, if you cause an "unplanned delay" during the national anthem, i will give you $100,000 in cash, and no one will ever know about this conversation. think about it, just act nervous before you start,tell your fat friend billy that you feel sick, and to cause a scene if you pass out. then once you start, just pass out, no one will ever blame you, and you'll be a youtube semi-star. that way, when you're doing ice breakers in college, you can say "something unique about me? go on youtube, search "asian kid causes unplanned delay at super bowl xxxvi", yup, that's me." ----i'm thinking long and hard if i was approached with this life changing proposition
so much opportunity. oh, so we lost the over/under bet, and finished the national anthem prop bets exactly even. interesting side note, scottmizuno.com did more research and bet the gatorade dump "color or drink over winner" to be "clear/water" at +115. once the game was over, we thought it was purple, it looked very light purple. as of this morning, the bet was still pending. but just checked, and we won that bet. mini boom
under 94 seconds at +130
no unplanned delays/omitted words at -800 (bet 80 to win $10)
kelly clarkson doesn't wear a jersey/shirt with numbers on it -300 (bet 30 to win $10)
it was awesome, 94ish seconds of pure sweat, we're talking pure sweat. betting on a basketball could be a good sweat, but nothing like the super bowl national anthem.
here we go.
boom, no jersey, winner, easy money. only -300? ugh, too easy
she starts singing, and all i can think to myself is "don't you fuck up, relax, but hurry". then around the 48second mark, they show about 50 kids singing along with kelly. and the drummers! what the fuck, if i had known she would be singing with 50 kids, i would definitely not have bet the "no unplanned delays/omitted words". NOW, not only are we hoping that kelly doesn't fuck up, i gotta worry about 50 other little fuckers getting nervous and forgetting words/passing out. think about it, pause at the 50 second mark, if i'm the kid in the back, and the fat kid passes out, i'm going to stop singing and say "whoa who whoa, guys, billy fell down, stop guys, STOP!". right? booom, UNPLANNED DELAY FTL.
-800 is not a good price if there are 50+ people singing. but another thing, if i'm one of those kids, i'm timing every damn practice rehearsal with my phone. that information is worth mirrions. if i'm that kid, i'm timing each rehearsal and telling fat billy to do the same, we compile the numbers, and can therefore pass along the information to anyone willing to pay for it. once i know where the value is (under or over 94 seconds), i'm texting scott "clear the bank accounts, bet the over 94 seconds in as much size as you can pull off". if my son was one of those singers, i'm 100% asking him if i should bet the over or under. if i find out that my friend's 2nd cousin's nephew is singing the super bowl national anthem, i'm insta-adding him on facebook to try and get some inside information. creepy i know
but wait, what if one of those kids was approached by a shady sports gambler and says something like "hi, not gonna bull shit you, if you cause an "unplanned delay" during the national anthem, i will give you $100,000 in cash, and no one will ever know about this conversation. think about it, just act nervous before you start,tell your fat friend billy that you feel sick, and to cause a scene if you pass out. then once you start, just pass out, no one will ever blame you, and you'll be a youtube semi-star. that way, when you're doing ice breakers in college, you can say "something unique about me? go on youtube, search "asian kid causes unplanned delay at super bowl xxxvi", yup, that's me." ----i'm thinking long and hard if i was approached with this life changing proposition
so much opportunity. oh, so we lost the over/under bet, and finished the national anthem prop bets exactly even. interesting side note, scottmizuno.com did more research and bet the gatorade dump "color or drink over winner" to be "clear/water" at +115. once the game was over, we thought it was purple, it looked very light purple. as of this morning, the bet was still pending. but just checked, and we won that bet. mini boom
Monday, January 30, 2012
thin mints suck
i know i've asked this before, but why don't they change the pictures on the girl scout cookies boxes? i'm tired of seeing that same damn girl with the 80's glasses feeding the cow on the Do-si-dos box (the best type of Girl scout cookie, and it's not even close)
they need to change the damn picture already. that girl is probably 31 by now. my favorite and original idea is to let companies pay to use the front of the box however they want. think of the monies. AT&T thin mints, Verizon Do-si-Dos...
ok fine, no ads. they need to change the picture because it's life changing. being on the cover of a girl scout box is most likely the biggest thing to ever happen to 99% of girls in America. they should give new girls their once-in-a-lifetime moment each year. hmm, what if during an icebreaker, a girls says, "something unique about me? um, well I was on the Do-Si-Dos box back in 2002. it's funny because they are my favorite kind of GS cookie, hands down. thin mints are overrated". Insta
it would even be cool to know OF someone who was on the boxes. like if my cousin was on the box, i would tell almost everyone that my cousin was on the box of Tagalongs this year. even if my friend's little sister was on the box one year, i would still think it's cool.
hey grant, how was your weekend?
g: it was whatever, but so crazy, i heard my friend's cousin is going to be on one of the girl scout cookie boxes.
oh shit? you serious?
g: yes
they need to change the damn picture already. that girl is probably 31 by now. my favorite and original idea is to let companies pay to use the front of the box however they want. think of the monies. AT&T thin mints, Verizon Do-si-Dos...
ok fine, no ads. they need to change the picture because it's life changing. being on the cover of a girl scout box is most likely the biggest thing to ever happen to 99% of girls in America. they should give new girls their once-in-a-lifetime moment each year. hmm, what if during an icebreaker, a girls says, "something unique about me? um, well I was on the Do-Si-Dos box back in 2002. it's funny because they are my favorite kind of GS cookie, hands down. thin mints are overrated". Insta
it would even be cool to know OF someone who was on the boxes. like if my cousin was on the box, i would tell almost everyone that my cousin was on the box of Tagalongs this year. even if my friend's little sister was on the box one year, i would still think it's cool.
hey grant, how was your weekend?
g: it was whatever, but so crazy, i heard my friend's cousin is going to be on one of the girl scout cookie boxes.
oh shit? you serious?
g: yes
Saturday, January 28, 2012
i dont really get sucked into those stupid iphone games. but this one's legit. SCRAMBLE. it's for people who like Words with Friends, but have a mild case of ADD. like Rush Poker for online poker players. i always thought the idea of people paying money for those zynga games is ridiculous. why on earth would you spend real money to buy things in farmville?!
my uncle came over last night and was telling me how addicted he was to scramble. and then he told me that he had to purchase more tokens (with real money) in order to keep playing. i thought it was hirarious just thinking of him at home playing scramble, then debating whether or not to buy more tokens or not, then ultimately saying "fuck it" and buying tokens with real monies.
last night, my uncle, jeff and angela were all sitting at the same table multi-tabling scramble games. just to be clear, i suck. but it's so addicting. i already upgraded to the non-free version for $0.99. there's no ads, and you get tokens in 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes, so legit...i'm debating whether or not to just buy 500 tokens for $24.99. its whatever, I'm "one of those now, a person who paid zynga just to play these damn games
my uncle came over last night and was telling me how addicted he was to scramble. and then he told me that he had to purchase more tokens (with real money) in order to keep playing. i thought it was hirarious just thinking of him at home playing scramble, then debating whether or not to buy more tokens or not, then ultimately saying "fuck it" and buying tokens with real monies.
last night, my uncle, jeff and angela were all sitting at the same table multi-tabling scramble games. just to be clear, i suck. but it's so addicting. i already upgraded to the non-free version for $0.99. there's no ads, and you get tokens in 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes, so legit...i'm debating whether or not to just buy 500 tokens for $24.99. its whatever, I'm "one of those now, a person who paid zynga just to play these damn games
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
one time

the first time i saw Alex Smith's auto, i remember thinking "wait, if my name was alex smith, that's exactly how i would sign my name." and the greedy side of me immediately thought "wait, if he becomes super sick, and i need some quick cash, I could sell some fake autos on ebay". the picture above is a real autograph. and below are mine. there's no way you can tell the difference. uh oh. easy moneyy.
buy 100 8x10's and 50 official NFL footballs, fake-sign them, sell them on ebay. EASYMONIES
i don't think i would do this, i think
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
i was at the gym and saw danny glover. i'm 95% sure it was him. i decided to go creepy-mode and take a picture. danny's lucky, he was in joseph-gordon levitt's rookie movie, Angels in the Outfield.
Monday, January 16, 2012
good to know
just saw that 'Jingle All The Way' is on Netflix, this is good to know.
just saw Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week. very good movie, but extremely long. i couldn't sit still for 3 hours so i had to check rotoworld every 15 minutes. but anyway, i want to know what it feels like to read the book, before the movie. i wouldn't mind being that person who says "yes, the movie was good, but the book was much better." because the thing is, no one verifies. if someone tells me that they read a book, i assume they read the book, no questions asked. yep, next big movie/book that comes out, and someone asks me how it was.
"it was just alright, I think i would have liked it a lot better if i didn't read the book first, but i just love reading." BOOMM
just saw Contraband, don't go see Contraband.
just saw Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week. very good movie, but extremely long. i couldn't sit still for 3 hours so i had to check rotoworld every 15 minutes. but anyway, i want to know what it feels like to read the book, before the movie. i wouldn't mind being that person who says "yes, the movie was good, but the book was much better." because the thing is, no one verifies. if someone tells me that they read a book, i assume they read the book, no questions asked. yep, next big movie/book that comes out, and someone asks me how it was.
"it was just alright, I think i would have liked it a lot better if i didn't read the book first, but i just love reading." BOOMM
just saw Contraband, don't go see Contraband.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
just realized this. i have a cousin who is the same age as me, we went to the same high school. last thursday, i posted a blog update about my ant farm. that same day, she texted me saying she is engaged. lol, just a fun fact. on to the update
new farm, new ants. these ants are legit. already digging on day 1.
new farm, new ants. these ants are legit. already digging on day 1.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
week 2
it's unfortunate. it's extremely unfortunate that my ants are lazy and refuse to dig cool tunnels. it's been about 2 weeks, and about 1/3 of the ants are dead. the others are lazy as balls. not only lazy, they're very stupid. it's been 2 weeks, and when i came home from work today, 2 of the ants were reaching up and trying to escape. wtf, didn't they realize after day 4 that there's a zero percent chance of escape? lazy too. the ants are supposed to dig tunnels. but all they do is walk around trying to escape. the other day, i thought i would give them some starburst to give them some energy. you can kind of see it in the picture. it's pink. but my weirdo ants just slightly buried the starbust. wtf, i thought ants liked candy. wrong again. so over it. ok not really, i bought more, should be here within a week. this time, i hope i get the motivated ants. maybe it'll rub off on the others
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