Monday, August 20, 2012

the perfect storm

bill simmons is my favorite sports writer. it's sort of gross how i agree 100% with whatever he writes. i'll read his columns and laugh out loud to myself. i'll listen to his podcasts and laugh out loud. he hates the lakers, he understands that lebron is better than kobe, he understands that it's better to be a top 4 team or a bottom 4 team (and nothing in the middle), he understands that westbrook is nasty. he understands how much fun is it to attend the national sports cards and collectibles show. and he started a site called
i dont know why i had to say all of that.

but any way. no one has been asking, so i thought i should answer on my blog. i follow a bunch of people on twitter, BUT there are only 3 people who i get mobile notifications for (their texts get sent directly to my phone like a text message)

@sportsguy33 - bill simmons,  the man. 
@haralabob - haralabos voulgaris. he is a poker player, but is recognized by most as a legit nba sports bettor. he once did a cribs-type video for cardplayer (below), showing off his sick house. his gf isn't bad looking either. his tweets consist of a bunch of nba analysis, gambling trends, the occasional pick, and some poker
@wojyahoonba - adrian wojnarowski, covers the nba for yahoo, he is usually the first to report big news. fun during nba draft and nba trade deadline.

maybe i posted this already

grantland just had a podcast with haralabob as a guest, sooo good.

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