i've been playing a lot of skeeball lately. i'm serious. there's a pair of skeeball games in this bar close by. Add alcohol with a throwback Chuck-E-Cheese game, mixed with a little bit of gambling = fun.
I challenged ray and jt. scott and i versus ray and jt, alternate rolls (9 balls total), highest score wins. i figured everyone is about average, so the teams would be even. wrong. ray is way below average at skeeball, i'm not sure if he was nervous or what. (this is the same guy that needs a napkin when he plays beer pong. he wipes the ball completely dry before he goes. if he doesn't, he claims it "slips"). i think he averaged 15 points per roll. if you simply roll the ball (but miss the 30, 40, and 50-point holes), the game gives you 10 points. if i was blind folded, holding my drink with my right hand, and rolling left handed---i could probably average 12.5 per roll over a 100 roll sample size.
after the bar, we had to walk home, probably a 15 minute walk. i think there was 6 of us. we were just walking, and i turn around, and andy runs up to a street sign, jumps and tries to touch it, but misses. i see scott and someone else talking about the jump, and then renegotiating a bet. i found out, they were betting on whether or not andy could jump and touch a sign. what a great idea. you probably had to be there, but the whole way home, we would look for the next street sign, huddle up, challenge/negotiate to see who could touch/or not touch it, and place your bets. yeah, you probably had to be there. a bunch of "that sign right there, the school sign, i say scott can't touch it, who wants the yes? alright, you take the yes, i'll take the no, how much? ok ok. alright, go scott. scott hits it, fuck!"
my favorite, andy had missed a couple signs in a row, then i challenged him to jump and hit the branches of a tree, but he had to grab and hold at least 5 leaves when he landed, i bet the no, and i believe he did it. this is a bad story, oh well. 5 people know what i'm talking about. then i saw a dead rat in the street, posted it to instragram, and was told "you single-handedly ruined instagram for me". ouch
this weekend was one of the best man. people just don't know how to have some good clean family fun. :D