Sunday, April 4, 2010


Some people say they love to read books. Other people say they hate to read books. I’m a little different, I love to start books. Not finish, only start. I start books like a fiend!! When I’m in compulsive mode, I’ll buy 2-3 books on Amazon per month. I’ll start it, and love it, but never finish it.

So, here’s the deal with myself. I’m currently reading Big God by Britt Merrick. I want to finish this book by the end of this month. If I fail to finish this book, this is what I’m going to do:
Take (5) $10 bills. Go outside my house, place a rock over each of the bills in different spots (either on the street or sidewalk). And then go back to my house, go to the balcony, and watch as people find each one.

1 comment:

  1. AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA, the people around me are looking at me weird cuz i just busted up laughing in my env s 3 class. lol. worth it. totally worth it.
