Monday, March 1, 2010

talking biznessss

Why don’t the pictures on Girl Scout Cookies ever change?
I ask myself this question every year. My favorite GS cookies are Do-Si-Dos which are the peanut butter sandwich cookies. They are with a glass of milk. I passed up some cookies at Albertson’s today because I knew I would eat the whole box during the Laker game. So, I’ll wait on them for a little. But why not change the picture on the boxes. Those damn boxes get so much exposure, the options are endless. For example:
a) they could hold a contest and the girl that sells the most of that type of cookie gets her picture on the box
b) they could use each box as an award. For example, the girl with the most heart-warming community service project gets her picture on the box.
c) but as a Business major, why not make some money (and donate it of course) and sell it as advertising space. Can you imagine how much money you could make if you put a picture of Danica Patrick and her racing suit on the front of Thin Mints. Damn, they could raise millions to send underprivileged Scouts to College.

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