The prop bet involves 3 good tournament poker players: Gavin Smith, Joe Sebok, and Jeff Madsen (ucsb dropout). They were all playing in the Los Angeles Poker Classic last week. They decided to have a last-longer bet which is basically what it sounds like. The person that lasts the longest wins, however, since it’s 3-way, there would be 2 losers. So, the person that lost first out of the three, would be the ultimate loser. The second person to go out would be the small loser. They decided that the ultimate loser would have to get a tattoo of the other 2 players’ faces (the size of their palm) on their body. The small loser would have to get a tattoo of the winner’s face on their body. It’s pretty hilarious to think about it because this bet is so stupid. There is no money incentive. And there is nothing to gain, only something to lose. The ultimate winner does not WIN anything, but just AVOIDS the loss. They said they are going to record Joe and Jeff getting the tattoos, so that should be fun to watch.
Funny story during my freshman year at ucsb. It was Halloween, and jeff madsen was the new kid on the poker block. He had just won over a million at the world series of poker, winning two bracelets. So anyway, I always thought it’d be funny if I saw him around campus. So, on Halloween when everyone is walking around, I see this guy wearing a FullTiltPoker jersey and I run up to him, and it’s him. I’m like holy crap, you’re jeff madsen. I was super excited and just rambling and asking him all different kinds of questions. All of his friends were amused because they think of him as just Jeff. But to me, he was Jeff fcuking Madsen. I don’t know why I was so star struck, but I was. I desperately wanted a picture with him. It was pretty memorable, and luckily for me, one of his friends took a picture of us and sent me the picture. Haha, he just won a tournament recently, so I’m happy for him.
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