Thursday, February 13, 2014

my high score on flappy bird is 7.
at first when someone told me to download flappy bird, i couldn't get past the first tunnel once. i lost like 5 times in a row. i was frustrated and i quit. then i played later, and i couldn't get past the first tunnel again. then i heard of other people saying how frustrated they were with the game. then i realized something (or i thought i did). i thought that the game was a prank. i thought it was literally impossible to get past the first tunnel. here's how i thought the prank went down. you tell someone to play this popular new game: flappy bird. then  the person tries the game...but it's actually impossible to score...therefore making it super frustrating= prank

apparently not though. seven is my high score

michael sam, possibly the first gay football player. i understand that the media has to ask questions like "will the locker room accept a gay player?"

 does the locker room even care. the only thing a football player is thinking staying healthy and making the team (getting paid). that's the only goal. if you're a rookie nfl player, your career is almost over. the average nfl career is what, 2-3 years? there's no team chemistry like in baseball or basketball. i feel like in the offseason, a basketball player will work on his game and spend time with his teammates to build chemistry and hopefully win a championship.

but a football player isn't thinking about a super bowl or team chemistry. he's thinking about MAKING THE TEAM, and getting that paycheck, because it's not guaranteed. so if i'm a 3rd year football player and my team drafts michael sam. all i care about is me, i don't care about michael sam

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