i think i have this weird talent. i think i'm really good at face recognition. i'm serious. i think i have a better than average ability to recognize faces. i'm not exactly sure why. i feel like i'm more likely to recognize famous people and athletes than the average person. and if i'm walking by someone, i feel like i recognize the person BEFORE they recognize me. and i think i'm really good at watching movies and tv shows, and recognize what other shows/movies the actor/actress was in.
like, i was watching Homeland. and you know the black guy who works for the Government. you know the big dude, who dies at the end of season 2. oops spoiler. that was the big mean guy from Blood Diamond. see it? see it? the big mean scary man from blood diamond, who gets his eye blown away (and yells GIVE ME THA DIAMOND!), he is the black guy in homeland. (i just googled it, his name is david harewood)
or like, i've gone to NBA summer league the past 2 years. and i feel like I"m the person who recognizes athletes when they are in street clothes. like oh there's jrue holiday, oh there's thomas robinson, in the sharks hat
i feel like i always tell people "dude, that guy right there, doesn't he look like he could be so-and-so's cousin?" and i'm right!
am i crazy? maybe? just a little? oh ok
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