Sunday, December 18, 2011

youu sneaky mom

just saw this, thought it was pretty funny. i cannot wait to do this to my kids one day. cannnnnot wait. what a good idea. i might just hit my kid all at once. once he turns 5, get a camera ready, the day after halloween, and tell him "son, come over here, we need to talk. so last night, i ate all of your halloween candy, all of it. you have no candy left. it gets worse, Santa Claus is not real. no sarcasm. there is no such thing as santa claus, it's all bull shit. 100% bull shit. therefore you are not getting any christmas gifts this year. none. oh, and the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are also fake".

too much maybe. but this idea is genius, its perfect. i can see myself playing a lot of jokes on my kids. it's going to be funny when my kid first says "dad, i never know when you're joking." because i honestly hear that once a week. what an ice breaker though! when these kids in this youtube vid are in high school and college and the teacher asks for each student to share one thing unique about themselves. these bastards can say "something unique about me? hmmmmmm. well, i was one of the kids in the Jimmy Kimmel halloween youtube video that currently has 82 million views, nbd though." lucky bastards


  1. LOLOL. grant, u know i like to keep it real. but this is just messed up. i dont think it's going to work out between the two of us...
