i want to make some nba futures bets. here's one that i thought was interesting. i spend my free time thinking about stuff like this when i walk from the bus to my house. ok. Even money!
next year's nba finals champ. you get the Miami Heat
and IF the Warriors make it to the playoffs, you get OKC and the Warriors also.
simple. any takers? i was negotiating this with scott, and i don't want to ruin action, so he may or may not have taken the bet. i know russ will probably take it, he thinks the warriors are legit contenders, like right now.
i went to a playground a couple weeks ago (sounds creepy). but i wasn't alone (still creepy). but really, was just killing time in tracy. checking out Jacobson school. ok, this sounds incredibly creepy, but i swear i wasn't alone, and it wasn't creepy. went on the swings, which is still fun by the way. but any way, the point i'm trying to make is it's impossible to do monkey bars after you turn 24. when i was 5 or 6 years old, i used to kill it on the monkey bars at St. Pauls. just killing it out there. monkey bars all day til i fell and got slivers. but now, i couldn't make it half way. the first time i couldn't take it and let go and thought "wait, what just happened there?" tried again, and failed and that was that. interesting story i know
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
i hope this doesn't sound like one big humble brag. that's annoying.
but any way, i was fortunate enough to attend matt cain's perfect game. it was a last second thing. tickets were cheap
ok the game was amazing, but after, i couldn't help but try and put the game into perspective. how much was that experience worth to me? what would i trade it for?
these are my thoughts post perfect game. here's the breakdown, i paid $10 for tickets. but after the game, i kept thinking (i actually think about this stuff to myself, weird i know), how much was that experience worth to me? like, let's say i didn't go to the game, how much would i pay the baseball gods to allow me to take back the time, and attend the full game? i'm thinking that number is around $1,000? i dont know, maybe that's too high. ballpark #
here's another, what would i trade it for? would i trade the perfect game experience for game 1 of the 2010 world series? i've thought about this for a couple days now, and i have concluded that i would trade the perfect game in favor of game 1 of the world series. here's why, if you had tickets for game 1 of the world series, you have a few days leading up to the game to be excited/anxious. there's no such thing as a bad day leading up to game 1 of the world series. there is value in the build up. in this case, i honestly didn't know cain was throwing a perfect game until the 6th inning. not much build up. when i looked at the scoreboard and saw that the astros had no hits, i said "oh shit", then i checked my phone and saw cain had no walks, "oh shit". but yeah, every pitch after that was a very good sweat, i was literally jumping up and down in the 8th inning like a weirdo. i couldn't help it. but my point is, that feeling lasted about 1 hour. it was a crazy high that i'll never feel again. but yeah, there was no build up.
ok so here's another thing. i paid $10 for the tickets, and i essentially got about $1,000 (probably less) of value out of them. i'm running above EV (expected value), which means i could expect a reversion to the mean (aka some bad shit happening to me). ok, let's say when i was driving home after the game, and i'm at a stop sign, some crazy crackhead takes a bat and smashes my car windows. and i ask him "the fuckkk was that for?" and he just says "this is the reversion to the mean, you saw the perfect game, which provided you major value, this is just to even things out." i mean, being an EV-addict (expected value is interesting to me), i can't argue with him, i can only say "ahh, you right"
damn it, this is just a humble brag. jill is right, i'm annoying
but any way, i was fortunate enough to attend matt cain's perfect game. it was a last second thing. tickets were cheap
ok the game was amazing, but after, i couldn't help but try and put the game into perspective. how much was that experience worth to me? what would i trade it for?
these are my thoughts post perfect game. here's the breakdown, i paid $10 for tickets. but after the game, i kept thinking (i actually think about this stuff to myself, weird i know), how much was that experience worth to me? like, let's say i didn't go to the game, how much would i pay the baseball gods to allow me to take back the time, and attend the full game? i'm thinking that number is around $1,000? i dont know, maybe that's too high. ballpark #
here's another, what would i trade it for? would i trade the perfect game experience for game 1 of the 2010 world series? i've thought about this for a couple days now, and i have concluded that i would trade the perfect game in favor of game 1 of the world series. here's why, if you had tickets for game 1 of the world series, you have a few days leading up to the game to be excited/anxious. there's no such thing as a bad day leading up to game 1 of the world series. there is value in the build up. in this case, i honestly didn't know cain was throwing a perfect game until the 6th inning. not much build up. when i looked at the scoreboard and saw that the astros had no hits, i said "oh shit", then i checked my phone and saw cain had no walks, "oh shit". but yeah, every pitch after that was a very good sweat, i was literally jumping up and down in the 8th inning like a weirdo. i couldn't help it. but my point is, that feeling lasted about 1 hour. it was a crazy high that i'll never feel again. but yeah, there was no build up.
ok so here's another thing. i paid $10 for the tickets, and i essentially got about $1,000 (probably less) of value out of them. i'm running above EV (expected value), which means i could expect a reversion to the mean (aka some bad shit happening to me). ok, let's say when i was driving home after the game, and i'm at a stop sign, some crazy crackhead takes a bat and smashes my car windows. and i ask him "the fuckkk was that for?" and he just says "this is the reversion to the mean, you saw the perfect game, which provided you major value, this is just to even things out." i mean, being an EV-addict (expected value is interesting to me), i can't argue with him, i can only say "ahh, you right"
damn it, this is just a humble brag. jill is right, i'm annoying
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
bet for proof. with team frye daye.
for the 2012-13 nba season.
simple. kings have better record, he wins. warriors have better record, i win. even money?? haha.100 bones
just to be clear, i don't know shit about boxing.
but yea, everyone knows, the manny packyao fight was bull shit. and the judges were probably paid off. how much? must have been millions. there's a problem. boxing is too subjective. why have only 3 judges? so inefficient. there's too much money riding on these boxing matches. boxing is stuck in the 1980s, they need to make some changes. if i were running things (again, i don't know shit about boxing), i would have 98 respected judges judging the fight. i would have some fun with the last two spots. the 1st spot would be by fan vote. voting starts after the end of the fight, and voting is open for 10 minutes. America will decide who wins, that is the 99th scorecard. the last scorecard will be given to a celebrity boxing enthusiast.
there will be a celebrity judge auction. it will be a 30-minute made for tv event (think nba draft lottery). celebrities/wealthy businessmen will submit their names, and 10 of the wealthiest/most intriguing people will be invited. the auctioneer from storage wars will be the dude in charge. some fun possible names would be mark cuban, larry ellison, michael jordan, tiger woods. ok, so then, online sportsbooks can offer bets on who will be the celebrity judge of pacyao/bradley. money goes to the boys and girls club.
um. yea, so you have 100 judges. and something like this will not happen. it's easy. boxing is just too damn subjective. good god, if we bet manny at -440 or whatever it was, i would have been on some extremeeee tilt. like, they are giving away free Tag Heur watches at Tourneau for only an hour, and my car breaks down on the way there, and i look for a cab, but every damn taxi cab is full, and i sit there, and sit there, and sit there, until it's too late. wait, um
i'm actually surprised we didn't bet on manny to win. -440? that is right in our wheelhouse, we hit those, seems like 80% of the time. and when they lose, we just got unlucky. in my opinion, if we're talking about exactly a week before the packyao/bradley fight. the odds of scott and i making a bet on manny was -200, and betting the "yes" there was a good bet. so good that the book would have to adjust the line. ok i'm done. wait, how the hell did we not bet that? runnning good
for the 2012-13 nba season.
simple. kings have better record, he wins. warriors have better record, i win. even money?? haha.100 bones
just to be clear, i don't know shit about boxing.
but yea, everyone knows, the manny packyao fight was bull shit. and the judges were probably paid off. how much? must have been millions. there's a problem. boxing is too subjective. why have only 3 judges? so inefficient. there's too much money riding on these boxing matches. boxing is stuck in the 1980s, they need to make some changes. if i were running things (again, i don't know shit about boxing), i would have 98 respected judges judging the fight. i would have some fun with the last two spots. the 1st spot would be by fan vote. voting starts after the end of the fight, and voting is open for 10 minutes. America will decide who wins, that is the 99th scorecard. the last scorecard will be given to a celebrity boxing enthusiast.
there will be a celebrity judge auction. it will be a 30-minute made for tv event (think nba draft lottery). celebrities/wealthy businessmen will submit their names, and 10 of the wealthiest/most intriguing people will be invited. the auctioneer from storage wars will be the dude in charge. some fun possible names would be mark cuban, larry ellison, michael jordan, tiger woods. ok, so then, online sportsbooks can offer bets on who will be the celebrity judge of pacyao/bradley. money goes to the boys and girls club.
um. yea, so you have 100 judges. and something like this will not happen. it's easy. boxing is just too damn subjective. good god, if we bet manny at -440 or whatever it was, i would have been on some extremeeee tilt. like, they are giving away free Tag Heur watches at Tourneau for only an hour, and my car breaks down on the way there, and i look for a cab, but every damn taxi cab is full, and i sit there, and sit there, and sit there, until it's too late. wait, um
i'm actually surprised we didn't bet on manny to win. -440? that is right in our wheelhouse, we hit those, seems like 80% of the time. and when they lose, we just got unlucky. in my opinion, if we're talking about exactly a week before the packyao/bradley fight. the odds of scott and i making a bet on manny was -200, and betting the "yes" there was a good bet. so good that the book would have to adjust the line. ok i'm done. wait, how the hell did we not bet that? runnning good
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
i had a dream last night. i saw roger clemens at Costco. i quietly asked him "are you roger clemens?". he was wearing a hat and a hood. he said yes and i insta-asked him for a picture. my mom was there, so i gave her my phone. but it was torture, my mom didn't know how to use the camera function. i kept telling roger sorry, she'll get it soon. but he got impatient, and said he had to go. i was sooooo upset.
last weekend, i was walking to get food at the giants game. and walking in the opposite direction was jim harbaugh. i get star struck easily. my eyes opened wide and i think i said "oh shit" when he was about 8 feet in front of me. i'm pretty sure he heard me. i insta went crazy stalker kid and turned around and walked 10 feet behind him. i kept thinking oh shit, that's jim harbaugh. i think i'm getting old though. if this were 10 months ago, i would follow him until i was physically unable to (for example, he goes into a luxury suite and i get told "sir you can't go in there"). but after 30 seconds of following him, i just stopped and bought some food and that was that. cool story, i know
i saw this on twitter today. rob dyrdek (twitter: @robdyrdek) tweeted "hey @rob, do you have any interest in selling your twitter name?"
@rob (a regular dude named rob i assume) responded "i have had lots of offers, but you are the most legit one so far. i had a bet on who would contact first: thomas/dyrdek/kardashian"
then dyrdek tweeted "hahaha. what do you think? you need a vacation? maybe a nice watch?"
and that was that. this is so interesting to me. like yeah, if you locked up the sites like cars.com or shoes.com yearssss ago, you could have sold it for millions. but now, twitter names are valuable to people. when i signed up for twitter, maybe 18 months ago, i wanted gmiz, but it was taken, so i used gmizzz. i would pay some amount of money for gmiz (not that much obviously, but there's definitely a price i would pay). same with gmail. my first and last name@gmail.com was taken.) i would pay some amount of money in order to take it over. i'm curious how much the twiter name @rob is worth to rob dyrdek. $10k? $25? maybe more
another thing i thought about. in 600 years, nearly all usernames on twitter/gmail/yahoo will be taken. every email will look like john.smith456112@gmail.com. right? i mean, someone has johnsmith@gmail.com out there. what happens when that person dies and his account is idle for 3 years? will gmail let someone take over the account? this is interesting to me.
last weekend, i was walking to get food at the giants game. and walking in the opposite direction was jim harbaugh. i get star struck easily. my eyes opened wide and i think i said "oh shit" when he was about 8 feet in front of me. i'm pretty sure he heard me. i insta went crazy stalker kid and turned around and walked 10 feet behind him. i kept thinking oh shit, that's jim harbaugh. i think i'm getting old though. if this were 10 months ago, i would follow him until i was physically unable to (for example, he goes into a luxury suite and i get told "sir you can't go in there"). but after 30 seconds of following him, i just stopped and bought some food and that was that. cool story, i know
i saw this on twitter today. rob dyrdek (twitter: @robdyrdek) tweeted "hey @rob, do you have any interest in selling your twitter name?"
@rob (a regular dude named rob i assume) responded "i have had lots of offers, but you are the most legit one so far. i had a bet on who would contact first: thomas/dyrdek/kardashian"
then dyrdek tweeted "hahaha. what do you think? you need a vacation? maybe a nice watch?"
and that was that. this is so interesting to me. like yeah, if you locked up the sites like cars.com or shoes.com yearssss ago, you could have sold it for millions. but now, twitter names are valuable to people. when i signed up for twitter, maybe 18 months ago, i wanted gmiz, but it was taken, so i used gmizzz. i would pay some amount of money for gmiz (not that much obviously, but there's definitely a price i would pay). same with gmail. my first and last name@gmail.com was taken.) i would pay some amount of money in order to take it over. i'm curious how much the twiter name @rob is worth to rob dyrdek. $10k? $25? maybe more
another thing i thought about. in 600 years, nearly all usernames on twitter/gmail/yahoo will be taken. every email will look like john.smith456112@gmail.com. right? i mean, someone has johnsmith@gmail.com out there. what happens when that person dies and his account is idle for 3 years? will gmail let someone take over the account? this is interesting to me.
Monday, June 4, 2012
i was home last weekend and asked my mom what YOLO means.
she surprised me and insta-replied "low-fat yogurt?"
at first i started laughing, but then i thought. wow, that's a really great guess.
i think if this were a superbowl prop. it would look something like this
answer of "I Don't know" -450
i'm betting that, and texting scott "just bet the jmiz yolo i don't know prop at -450, it already moved to -480"
then scott would text me back something like "that's easy"
but anyway
i was waiting in line for some food at the giants game there was a couple in front of me. the dude looked pissed and was looking away from the girl. she looks at him and says "if we don't get back in time, I willl cry". i dont know why i thought this was interesting, but she was dead serious. he didn't say shit and looked away again. whatttt a threat. she emphasized the "willll".
i want to watch some Supermarket Sweep. that show was legitimate!
just a little observation. my "online theory" states that young people say "online" and old people (over 32) say "internet". i could be wrong, but i've noticed that old people say "babes" when referring to a group of girls. old person says "look at those babes over there" young person says "there's some potential here tonight"
am i wrong?
she surprised me and insta-replied "low-fat yogurt?"
at first i started laughing, but then i thought. wow, that's a really great guess.
i think if this were a superbowl prop. it would look something like this
answer of "I Don't know" -450
i'm betting that, and texting scott "just bet the jmiz yolo i don't know prop at -450, it already moved to -480"
then scott would text me back something like "that's easy"
but anyway
i was waiting in line for some food at the giants game there was a couple in front of me. the dude looked pissed and was looking away from the girl. she looks at him and says "if we don't get back in time, I willl cry". i dont know why i thought this was interesting, but she was dead serious. he didn't say shit and looked away again. whatttt a threat. she emphasized the "willll".
i want to watch some Supermarket Sweep. that show was legitimate!
just a little observation. my "online theory" states that young people say "online" and old people (over 32) say "internet". i could be wrong, but i've noticed that old people say "babes" when referring to a group of girls. old person says "look at those babes over there" young person says "there's some potential here tonight"
am i wrong?
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